Socioeconomic Consequences Of Hiv And Aids For Hiv Positive Women In Addis Ababa And Their Coping Strategies

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This research has focused on exploring the consequences of HIV and AIDS forrnHIV-positive women in Addis Ababa and their coping strategies. 15 HIV-positivernwomen who were accessed from care and support organizations andrnassociations of PLWHA were interviewed in depth on a range of issues related tornthe challenge they face.rnMajor factors which render women more vulnerable to HIV infection werernhighlighted. Different socioeconomic and cultural factors such as; poverty, lessrnaccess to education, lack of employment opportunities and economicrndependency are among these. Due to their low socio-economic status thernconsequences of HIVIAIDS on the women found to be severe. They aiso havernfewer means to cope up with the impact of the epidemic. The women's socioeconomicrnconditions had also changed considerably since their diagnosis asrnHIV-positive. Some women's husbands died due to AIDS as a result incomerndisappeared. Moreover, some had children to care for and had to struggle tornsurvive with meager resources.rnHIV/AIDS appeared to be the object of stigmatization as a result the women dornnot only have to cope with their own anxieties, physical symptoms, and economicrnproblems but also with the response or expected response of partners, familyrnmembers, friends and the community. Due to fear of stigmatization thereforernmost kept their status an absolute secret. Some of the women who managed tornreveal their status however, noted the positive reaction they experienced. Thernfear seems to appear greater than the actuality.rnThe women made use of various coping strategies which can be classified in tornemotion-focused and problem-focused coping. Seeking emotional andrninstrumental support especially from relatives, joining PLWHA networks, religion,rnand acceptance, positive interpretation and hope are some of the strategies. Inrnparticular, joining PLWHA networks and care and support organizations hasrnbeen observed as a good means that helped most women in coming to termsrnwith HIV status and actively cope with its consequences. PLWHA's associationsrnand care and support organizations provide emotional and instrumental supportrnto the women. By doing so they have created a safe environment for the womenrnto share their worries and experiences with others who have the same problem .rn•rnReligion was also another most important coping strategy which led most womenrnto accept their situation and to develop hope.

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Socioeconomic Consequences Of Hiv And Aids For Hiv Positive Women In Addis Ababa And Their Coping Strategies