Co-operation And Conflict The Case Of Argobbas In Shonke Village Oromiya Zone Dawa Chefa Woreda

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Argobba ethnic group is one of the least studied people in the country. Thisrnthesis is about cooperation and conflict of Argobba in Shonke village, Amhararnregion , Oromiya zone Dawachefa woreda thus, aims to add to the scantyrninformation about the ethnic group. The major issues of the thesis are to assessrnthe peace full coexistence that is manifested in prioritizing cooperation, tornidentify the causes and types of conflicts at intra and inter ethnic level, andrnhence the indigenous mechanisms i.n resolving conflicts. This research isrnqualitative in which I used various data collection methods, I did not rely on arnsingle data collection method rather I lried to triangulate one with the other.rnThe research out comes indicates that the studied village community prioritizerncooperation to conflict and consider violent conflict as taboo and curse thatrnwould result famine, drought and other evils. They are characterized by peacernfull intra and inter ethnic coexistence. In this regard their indigenous conflictrnprevention and resolution mechanisms played important role. Co-operationsrnand infrequent conflicts are mainly with in intra village and ethnic limitations.rnAlmost all conflicts emerge in the society are resolved with their traditionalrninstitutions and not used the formal legal court system except for murder casesrnof course it is too rare. Religion in addition to claiming the same genealogyrncontributes in bringing integration among them and with their neighbors to arnlesser degree.rnThe community lived in a segregated village and cou ld maintain its languagernand culture. They used marriage endogamy as a mechanism for keeping theirrnlanguage as well as to redeem [rom the danger of loosing their identity. Thernsegregation of settlement, language difference and the social and physicalrnboundaries prohibited integration with the neighboring people. This is furtherrnintensified by the language based regionalization policy of FDRE in which thernstudy people disappointed with their children to learn in other language andrnconsider as oppression and denial of rights and as plot to disappear theirrnlanguage. The movement of political parties of the ethnic group for selfadministrationrnin the zone and the subsequent permission by the regional staternalso creates the different attitudes towards one another.

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Co-operation And Conflict The Case Of Argobbas In Shonke Village Oromiya Zone Dawa Chefa Woreda