Corporate Social Responsibility And The Prospects For Community Development The Case Of Lg Electronics Community Development Project In Dugdedera Village

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By taking the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) community de .... elopment project of LGrnCorporation that is being Implemented in Dugdedhcra as a case, this sl udy explores tht! role ofrnCSR to commullIty development. Dugdedhera is a rural Village located in Kombole Kehele ofrnthe Bereh Woreda of Finfinee Surrounding Special Zone of Oromia Regional Stale, It IS locatedrn66 K.M north of Addis Ababa. The study primarily employs the expenences of the beneliclaricsrnto uncover the pOltJnllal ofCSR to community development. In-depth Interviews. FGD and keyinfonnuntrninte"v'iews were the techniques of data collection that were uscd in this study to findrnOllt th!.! e>..periences. complaints and satisfactions of the members of the community towards thernCSR community development project. A total of twenty four participants were engaged in thisrnstudy; fourteen for in-depth intcrviews, eight for FGD participants and two key infonnants. Thernfindings of the study indicate that the LG's Corporate Social Responsibility Project is tuned tornthe rcalitics and nctJds of the community thcre by reflccting a deviation from the mainstrcamrnCSR agenda. The project is a multi-level community development project comprised of differentrninitiatives including income improvement initiatives, educational initiative and health andrnhygienc initiative. The study further indicated that CSR initiatives can be moulded to attend tornthe needs and contexts of the local communities of dcveloping nations. Besides, the study alsornshows that CSR can be an important force for community dcvcopment in devcloping nationsrnwhere governments find it difficult 10 meet the social governance needs orlocal commun ities.rnHowcver. the study pro'ed that the role ofthc govcmmel1lll1 creating an enabling cnlronmcntrnand that of the local governments' (Wereda administratIOn) rolc to follow up the Implemcntationrnof the project has generally been "Cry low.rnKcy Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Development

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Corporate Social Responsibility And The Prospects For Community Development The Case Of Lg Electronics Community Development Project In Dugdedera Village