Intra-regional Resettlement And Inter-ethnic Relations Thecase Of Amhara Resettlers And The Indigenous Kulsi People Injawi Woreda North Western Ethiopia

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Th e major obj ective of this thesis was to examine the process of intra-regional resetrlement rnprogram and its challenges in Jawi resettlement site of Amhara Regional State. The resetrlemenl rnprogram in th e study area was launched with the objective of enabling chronically food insecure rnpeople attain food security. To realize the stated objectives and not to repeat the failure of the rnpast resettlement programs in Ethiopia, four major pillars that include voluntarism, availability rnof underutilized land, consultation with the host communities, and assurance of minimum rninfrastructure were used. This thesis, therefore, examines th e process of intra-regiollal rnresettlement against the pillars of the program and in tum explores major challenges of [h e rnresettlemellt from the points of view of resettler population, host communities, and the local rnenvironment. Besides, it explores the subsequent impacts of the resettlement program 011 the rnnarure of inter-ethnic relations between resettlers and host community. Throughout the research rnsrlldy period, both primary and secondary data sources were used. Some of techniques for rnprimary data collection include systematic observation, structured and semi-strllctured rnillr erviews, focus group discussion, and extended case study. Secondary data were also obtained rnfrom extensive cogitatioll of literatures. rnTh e research finding argues that the intra-regional resettlement program, which is launched by rnthe current government in Jawi Woreda, is for the most part not different from the past regime's rnresettlement undertakings. This is because the resettlement program is characterized by induced volunteerislll, no consultation of the host community, illconsistencies in planning, poor targetillg rnand identification of the settlers, and poor administrariol7. Th e study also argues that, the intra regianal resettlement program in the study area has resulred in an ominolls impact on the rnphysical environment and natural resource consen ·ation of the host community. Likewise, th e rnresettlement scheme is intra-regional mainly because of the only reason that both the resettled rnand th e host people are from the same regional terrirory (Amhara Regional State). Nevertheless, rnir can be rather conceived as inter-regional for reselflern ent is made across ethno-cultllral and rnagro-ecological boundaries. On top of this, the th esis reveals that the nature of resettlers-host rninreractions in the resettlement setting is characterized b,· both amicable and conjlictllal rnrelations. Th e amicable aspects are manifested in the form of land renting arrangements, local rnmarket exchange, religious occasions and other socio-cultural ties. On the other hand, rnconfiictual relations are often caused by competition over natural resources (such as, grazing rnland, forests, water), violation of rule of relationships notably in land renting agreements, rnbllrning of beehives, cattle rustling, and constant injlux of 'illegal ' settlers to the area.

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Intra-regional Resettlement And Inter-ethnic Relations Thecase Of Amhara Resettlers And The Indigenous Kulsi People Injawi Woreda North Western Ethiopia