'Ihough wat r rights ar ' at the . re oj exploitillg wat ' r resollrcesjor irrtg tlOlI/llrpo "',rntrivial ' II I'll.' W I'e ifjef"d I Ihe ' I 'e oj Illdris irrig Ilioll s 'heme ill 7ok' Kiltrndi Iri I in Wesl 'hewa. Th hislori 'af backgroulld I/(j d ' ve fopmelll oj Ih ' . h me harnbeell pre 'enled ill I 'olllellliolls mallller. Th , augm ' nlillg IIIImb 'r oj compelilors 100rnpaved Ihe way jar conflicts thaI recllrrently erupt Ollt alld illevilabl lead to a .~·u ce 'sionrnoj lIeg tiatioll proces ·es. Wilh the inception oj '/lch mi 'Si1l 7 guljs, this re . 'arch aimed /0rnscrutinize waler rights and the processes oj negotiations among irrigalors along Indrirnmodem scheme, ill Toke Kutaye district. To mailllaill Ihis objective, qualitativernanthropological methods' were predominantly utilized CLS' the main data generatingrnresearch lools in the fieldrnThe findings oj the research depicted that Indris scheme marked three sigllificant phasesrnill its historical development. In these phases, explorations pertaining to water rights andrnprocesses of negotiations were jOlll1d to he at their immature ground. While the elementsrnof the riparian doctrine qf waler rights preponderated during its initial phase, therncomponenls of appropriative doclrine pronounced more at its middle age. A mix ofrningredients from both doctrines interwoven with certain extra requirements determinedrnthe water right access of users since the conversion of the scheme illto a modem style.rnMultiple water right rules emanating both from the customary and formal water actsrnhave co-existed to direct the actions of users. In this regard, the theoretical orientationsrnof legal pluralism in water right paradigms proved to coincide with the pragmaticrncontexts of water users from the scheme.rnConflicts in connection to irrigation water use and righls, that have escalated over years,rnhave been altribllted to the decline in the voillme ofwaler resources, institutionalfailllresrnto address the causes adeqllately, week observance 0 11 governing water right rules andrnincreaSing demand of lIsers. As a result, negotiation processes aiming to settle dispulesrnwere repeatedly initiated either by users, committee members (elders) or courts. Thernprocedures pursed to narrow the contrasting interests around the scheme verified thernpragmatic applicability of the central arguments of hoth cyclical alld developmentalrnmodels of negotiation processes discussed thoroughly by Gulliver.rnThus, in the face of growing demand~' on a declining water resource, the findings of thisrnresearch revealed out that concerned individuals or relevant instillltiollS need to exertrnfllrther endeavor on the formulation oj water poliCies that clearly stiplliate specificrnirrigation waleI' entitlements oj 1Isers in a turmoil environment. Enforcemellts 0 11 thernjrame oj references set on the water manila I need to be rigorously checked on practicalrnimplementations. Consciousness hllildings 0 11 irrigatiol1 waler right claims, promotion ofrnnegotiated approaches in disputes alld particular accentuation on customary rules ofrnresource use constituted the dimensions seeking meticulous considerations il1 prospect.