Conflict Management And Resolution The Case Of Ethiopian Athletics Federation

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Most scholars believed that Conflict is a natural phenomenon in any organization. It may arisernin any time, situation, and place between individuals and groups in the organizations. This mayrnlead to disagreement, clash each other and create problems in the organizations. These conflictsrnare unavoidable, but which need to use conflict management style and resolving strategy. Thernpurpose of this study was to examine conflict management and resolution, with specific referencernthe case of Ethiopian Athletics Federation in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The objective of the studyrnwas to identify the leading factors and way of resolving conflicts in Ethiopian AthleticsrnFederation. Mixed method was used to collect data and descriptive survey research design wasrnused to conduct this research. The sample size of this study was determined or calculated byrnusing Yamane formula. Calculated sample sizes, all randomly select were included in the studyrnwith their total number of households. Total populations were 284. In the selection of researchrn166 participants were selected. In order to select study households the calculated sample sizern(i.e. 166) of the study sample was distributed to each included in the survey using probabilityrnproportionate to their size. In addition the selected research participants were givenrnquestionnaires and also selected to be part of interview in order to study as primary sources ofrnthe study. The study has used questionnaires, interviews, document analysis and observations forrnthe purpose of collecting relevant information. The Data obtained through questionnaires werernanalyzed using statistically tolls like: frequency and Standard deviation, average mean. Inrnaddition the data collected and analyzed through questionnaires were used with interviews,rndocument analysis in order to make triangulation. The finding of the study indicated that therernwere different causes and sources of conflicts in Ethiopian Athletics Federation. The gaps werernalso identified in the conflict management style and the time it takes to resolved. The result of thernstudy called the attention of the Policy makers to revise the Policy and use to develop a strategyrnto drastically improve the capacity of resolving the problem.

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Conflict Management And Resolution The Case Of Ethiopian Athletics Federation