Effects Of Plyometric Training On Selected Physical Fitness Variables And Skill Performance With Specific Reference To Silte Zone Kemal And Sadat Football Academy Players

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks plyometric training on selectedrnphysical fitness variables and skill performance with specific reference to Kemal and SadatrnFootball Academy players found in Silte Zone. To attain the purpose of the study, the researcherrnused Quasi experimental design within 12-week plyometric training program. The FootballrnAcademy had a total N 90 players grouped into three age categories: U-13, U-15 and, U-17. Thernresearcher selected the U-17 age category by using purposive sampling method and all the 30rnplayers in this age category were clustered as control and experimental group by using simplernrandom sampling method. The control group (n=15) registered mean scores of 15.72 and 1.87 forrnthe chronological and Training age respectively while the experimental group (n=15) had meanrnscores of 15.85 and 1.64 chronological and Training age respectively. Only the experimentalrngroup was made to receive a 60 minutes plyometric training for12 consecutive weeks withrnfrequency of 3 days per week. However, both groups engaged in the regular football trainingrnprogram that was given by the Academy. The selected physical fitness and football skills werernstrength, speed, power, accurate pass, and accurate shoot. Field tests were taken as data gatheringrninstruments. These were wall sit test to measure lower body strength, vertical jump test to measurernexplosive lower body power, 30-meter sprint test to measure maximum speed, passing accuracyrntest to measure accurate pass, shooting accuracy test to measure accurate shoot. To determine therndifference between pre training and post training mean values, a paired-samples t-test wasrncomputed by using SPSS software version 23 at 95% significance level for both experimental andrncomparison groups. The results of the paired samples t-test for the experimental and controlrngroups respectively were wall sit Test P = 0.00 and P = 0.357, Vertical jump Test P = 0.01 and Prn= 0.06, 30 Meter Acceleration Test indicate P = 0.00 and P = 0.568, passing Accuracy Test P =rn0.07 and P = 0.599, Shooting Accuracy Test P = 0.023 and P = 0.325. Generally, after the analysisrnof the study the researcher observed improvements on the selected physical fitness variables andrnskill performance of the experimental groups. Based on this finding, the researcher concluded thatrn12-weeks Plyometrics training had positive effect on the selected physical fitness variables andrnskill performance of the football players.

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Effects Of Plyometric Training On Selected Physical Fitness Variables And Skill Performance With Specific Reference To Silte Zone Kemal And Sadat Football Academy Players