Parametric Study On The Behavior Of Eccentrically Braced Frame Links

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Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBFs) link’s behavior is affected by their link length,rnweb/flange slenderness, stiffener spacing, stiffener cross-sectional behavior, and the axialrnload ratio present in the link. Even though various research has been conducted on therneffect of these parameters on the link’s behavior, a sensitivity analysis to determinernwhich of these parameters is the most influential on the link’s behavior has not beenrnconducted. Additionally, most of the previous research conducted on EBF links wasrndone using the American wide flange sections and not much research has been conductedrnusing the European IPE sections. The purpose of this research is to conduct a parametricrnsensitivity analysis using nonlinear finite element analysis on the behavior of EBF linksrnmade up of European IPE sections subjected to cyclic loading. Latin hypercube samplingrn(LHS) method was employed to generate samples for the nonlinear finite elementrnanalysis. A total of 45 samples with 15 samples for each of the three link types (Short,rnIntermediate, and Long) was generated. From the nonlinear finite element analysisrnresults, a sensitivity analysis was conducted using the differential sensitivity analysisrnmethod. From the sensitivity analysis, it was found out that short links plastic rotationrncapacity was the most influenced by axial load ratio and stiffener spacing, while theirrnoverstrength ratio was the most influenced by stiffener spacing and link length ratio.rnShort link energy dissipation capacity and ductility were the most influenced by axialrnload ratio, link length ratio, and stiffener spacing. Intermediate links plastic rotationrncapacity and ductility were the most influenced by stiffener spacing, axial load ratio, linkrnlength ratio, and flange slenderness the most. Intermediate links’ overstrength ratio wasrnthe most influenced by stiffener spacing and link length ratio, while their energyrndissipation capacity was the most influenced by stiffener spacing and flange slenderness.rnLong links’ entire behavior was influenced by their flange slenderness and axial loadrnratio the most. It was also observed that tensile axial load increases the overstrength ratiornin short links. The higher overall overstrength ratio observed for IPE sections in previousrnresearch was also observed in this research as well where most of the samples surpassedrnthe seismic code recommended value of 1.5.

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Parametric Study On The Behavior Of Eccentrically Braced Frame Links