A Study Of Influential Socio-economic Factors Fertility In Bahirdar Town

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Ethiopia is one of the developing countries that experiencesrna rapid population increase. Based on the 1984 census data therngrowth rate of the population of Ethiopia was estimated to bern2.9 percent. A population growth rate above 2 percent wouldrnpose a problem for the country's development. Therefore, it isrnof prime importance to study the factors which influencernfertility so as to achieve a reduction in growth rate ofrnpopulation.rnIn this paper an attempt has been made to assess the influencernof some socio-economic factors on fertility taking a typicalrngrowing town, Bahir Dar. The method of regression was used tornexamine the influence of some selected factors on fertility.rnAmong the factors considered in the study women 's employmentrnwas inversely related to fertility, though this relations hiprnwas found to be not signifi£:a'nt" in 'the younger and .olderagerngroups. The educational Level of wife and husbardrnappeared to have an inverse relatior,sb.i.p !nth ferli ;.ity onlyrnin certain age groups. It seeme.1 chell inco'm'e 'had '" r')sitiv~rneffect on fertility. There was no siginificant djffrnce inrnfertility between muslims and Christians, and between thernAmharas and other ethnic groups taken together.rnThe demographic feature for Bahir Dar, hopefully, can bernrepresentative of other towns in the country, and hence may bernused to indicate what types of measures have to be taken inrnorder to challenge the problem of population g r owth,rnespecially in townships.

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A Study Of Influential Socio-economic Factors Fertility In  Bahirdar Town