Determinants Of Nutritional Status Of Children In Ethiopia Using Multilevel Analysis

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TIllS study attempts to identify the determinants of nutritional status of children in Ethiopia.rnThe study focuses on children aged less than 59 months based on data from 2005 EthiopiarnDemograplllc and Heald, Survey. A total of 3095 children were included in dlls study. As thernoutcome measure of nutritional status, stunting (an anthropometric index of height for age)rndefined as a binary outcome is taken as the dependent variable. A preliminary univariaternanalysis was used to see the percentage share of background variables wid, respect to thernnutritional status of children. In order to exarnine the clifferent factors of nutritional status,rnmultiple logistic regressions were employed. Moreover, a multilevel logistic regressionrnanalysis is considered to identify the determinants of stunting in clllidren within regions asrnwell as between regions. The multivariate results using three logistic regressions for urban,rnrural and national level samples revealed that the most important socioecononllc,rndemographic, health and environmental factors related to nutritional status of children arernindividual, parental, household and regional factors . The results inclicated that nutritionalrnstatus varies across regions and urban and rural divisions. Furthermore, the results indicatedrnthat household economic status, mother's employment status, age of child, prececling birthrninterval and source of drinking water are some of the factors that affect nutritional status ofrnchildren direcdy or indirecdy.

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Determinants Of Nutritional Status Of Children In Ethiopia Using Multilevel Analysis