Factors Affecting Weight-for-age Status Children In Ethiopia

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Weight-for-age is a nutritional status indicator of malnutrition (acute or chronic) based onrnthe principle that a chi ld has an expected weight for hi s/her age and measures the generalrnnutritional status of chi ldren. According to the 20 II EDHS repOit by the Central CSA ofrnEthiopia, nationally, 29 percent of chi ldren under the age of five are underweight, and 9rnpercent of children are severely underweight. The main objective of this study was tornidentify and describe factors affecting the weight-for-age status of children in Ethiopia.rnThe study was based on the 20 11 EDHS conducted by CSA. Descriptive, standardrnlogistic regression and multilevel logistic regression analyses were used. The logisticrnregression analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of predicator variables on thernweight-for-age status of a child. Accordingly, Age of child, Source of drinking water,rnTypes of toilet facilities, Mother's educational level, Employment status of mothers,rnWealth index, Place of residence, experiencing diarrhea, Fever and Cough in the twornweeks before the survey, Educational level of partner and Geographical region werernfound to be important determinants of weight-for-age status of under-five chi ldren inrnEthiopia. Moreover, the variab les that were reported to be significant in the ordinaryrnlogi stic regression analysis were also found to be significant in the multilevel logisticrnregression analysis. The effect of most of these significant variables was the same forrneach region in Ethiopia but the effect of Employment status of mothers and economicrnstatus (wealth index) was not the same for all regions in Ethiopia.

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Factors Affecting Weight-for-age Status Children In Ethiopia