The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence and nature of the objective burdenrnexperienced by caregivers of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients. Also torncompare the results from the two statistical methods, polytomous logi stic regression andrndiscriminant analysis in correctly classifying and selecting important explanatoryrnvariables of burden on caregivers in psychiatric patients. A total of 514 patients werernincluded in this study. Burden on the caregivers was assessed in telms of how much therncaregiver's life was affected by the presence of the illness in the family. Results indicaternthat 36.5% of the caregivers experienced no burden, whereas 36.9% of them experiencedrnmoderate burden. The polytomous ordinal logistic regression classified 67.2% of therncaregivers in their respective burden group, whereas the discriminant analysis classifiedrn64.7% of the caregivers correctly. The polytomous ordinal logistic regression shows arnslight improvement in correctly classifying caregivers over multiple discriminantrnanalysis. Based on the findings of the present study we conclude that high burden on therncaregivers is signi ficantly characterized by dependency status of the patient, emotionalrnhelps given to the care giver from the society, negative and positive symptom of thernpatient. The results call for more attention to be given to reduce patients ' positive andrnnegative symptoms, to create awareness in the society to give emotional helps to therncaregivers and to economically support the patients so as to minimize their dependencyrnon their caregivers.