Risk Factors Of Neonatal Mortality In Ethiopia Applications Of Survival Analysis Methods

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Neonatal m011ality accounts for almost 40 percent of under-five child mortality, globallyrn(WHO 2005). An understanding of risk factors related to neonatal mot1ality is importantrnto guide the development of focused and evidence-based health interventions to reducernneonatal deaths. This study aimed to identifY the risk factors of neonatal mortality inrnEthiopia. The data source for the analysis was the 20 II EDI-IS data from whi ch survivalrninformation of 8,651 li ve-born neonates born fi ve years before the survey was examined.rnStratified Cox-proportional hazards model was employed to analyze risk factorsrnassociated with neonatal deaths, using socio-economic, demographic and maternal healthrnservice factors. About 71 % and 79% of the neonatal deaths occurred within the first andrnsecond weeks of follow-up time, respectively. The estimated hazard ratios of mortali tyrnwere higher for twins or multiple births (HR=3.728, 95% CI: 2.813-4.942), first orderrnbirth (HR=1.675 , 95% CI: 1.252-2.242), male sex (HR=1.26, 95% CI: 1.057-1.50 I), birthrninterval shorter than 24 months (HR=1.633, 95% CI:1.3 12-2.032), very small and veryrnlarge sized neonates at birth, (HR=1.833, 95% CI:I.457-2.305) and (HR=1.966, 95%rnCI: 1.535-2.5 19), respectively, neonates born to mothers aged less than 20 years andrnabove 34 yeaTs, (HR=1.382, 95% CI:1.051-1.8 18) and (HR=1.323, 95% CI:1.060-2.799),rnrespectively, and neonates whose mothers had a history of pregnancy complications (HRrn= 1.732, 95% CI: 1.266-2.239). The risk of dying were lower for neonates whose mothersrnattended antenatal visits (HR=0.716, 95% CI: 0.577-0.889) and neonates put to breastrnimmediately upon birth (HR=0.828, 95% Cl: 0.693-0.989). Thus, public healthrninterventions directed at reducing neonatal death should address demographic andrnmaternal health service factors which significantly influence neonatal mortality inrnEthiopia.

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Risk Factors Of Neonatal Mortality In Ethiopia Applications Of Survival Analysis Methods