Determinants Of Non - Coffee Export Commodities Of Ethiopia (197071-200405)

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The purpose 01' this paper is to anal yze the determinant or non-colTec exportrncommodities. subdividing in tll two categories. namely NCOI: I (sum 01' oil secds. chat.rnhides and skins. pulses) anc! NCOI :2 (sum or meat and meat products. rruit vegetables.rnsugar. gu ld. oil cakes, live animals. petroleum and petroleum products. bees and wax,rnother).The study cmploys the standard Augmented Dicky-Fuller and Phillips "herron testrnto test the stationarity of all variables at levels and lirst di fference and the two stagernI:nglc Granger test to check the existence or eointegration re lationship. The model wasrnestimated using error correction procedure.rnThe main lindings or the study sholY that: lirst. real efrecti ve exc hange rate is one or thernlitctors that determine both thl' long term and short krm m() eml'nt "I' real non-cllll,'c Irnexport commodities or I·:thiopia.rnSecondly. external shock like terms or trade determines the movement or export of noncolTeernI.rnThirdl". GD!' is one or the important raeturs which determine the mo,'ement IClr the nunclll'iCc2.rnimpl) ing that as the country's out put due to thc inllul'nce or the perlc))']nanec orrnthc agricultural sector increases. the countr)'s non-cot'iCe2 cxport commodi tiesrnmo vement will increase.rnFourthl y. exchange rate gap is one of the common ractors that determ ine movemcnt lorrnboth non-co llee cxport groups.

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Determinants Of Non - Coffee Export Commodities Of Ethiopia (197071-200405)