Redo Pull-through Patient Characteristics Indications Outcome At Tikur Anbessa Hospital Ethiopia 2010-2019

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Background: HSD is a developmental disorder of the intrinsic nervious system of the distal colon. Thernmanagement is pull through procedure and majority of patients do well after surgery; but 32% of patientsrncontinue to have complaints after surgery & up to 8.6% of patients can require repeat pull through. rnObjective: To describe indications for reoperation, surgical technique adopted, complications, andrnoutcome of patients who underwent a redo pull-through procedure in Tikur Anbessa hospital, Ethiopiarnfrom rnMethodology: Retrospective descriptive study design was used and the sampling procedure was a multistagernsampling.rnDescriptivernstatisticsrn(mean,rnSD,rnfrequency,rnpercentage,rngraphrnandrntable)rnwasrngeneratedrnrnbyrnusingrnSPSSrnversionrn21.rnrnResults: In our study a total of 18(4.87% of all PT) patients underwent redo pull through from 2010-rn2019. 13 (72.2%) were males & 5 (27.8%) were females with male to female ratio of 2.6:1. Soave pullrnthrough was the most frequent type of pull through on first time; done on 16(94.2%) of patients, twornbeing primary TERPT, and Duhamel pull through for one(5.9%) patient. The type of initial PT wasn’trnknown in one. The indication for redo PT was pathologically confirmed persistent/aquired aganglionosisrnin 8(50%) patients. 5(27.8%) patients had anastomotic site stricture confirmed with examination underrnanesthesia. Three of them were done for persistent obstructive features with clinical impression ofrnaganglionosis. Twisted colon & anastomotic failure with colonic retraction accounted for one patientrneach. Swenson procedure was performed on 15 (83.3%)patients & Soave pull through was done onrn3(16.7%) patients as the procedure for the redo PT. Long term outcome of patients after redo pull throughrnwas measured using Holschneider’s FII score. Of the patients FII score was obtained (11 of them), 6rnpatients achieved good continence,3 has fair continence sttus & one patient was incontinent & requiredrnbowel management program to stay clean. One patient was less than 4 years old & not toilet trained yet.rnIn 7 patients the Hilschneider FII score couldn’t be obtained. rnConclusion : The indication for redo pull through was persistent obstructive features in 77.8% ofrnpatients. The causes of persistent obstructive symptoms after an initial pull-through procedure are pullrnthrough of aganglionated segment (50%) and anastomotic site stricture (27.8%). 81.8% of those for whomrnthe Holschneider FII score was obtained has fair t good continence.

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Redo Pull-through Patient Characteristics Indications  Outcome At Tikur Anbessa  Hospital Ethiopia 2010-2019