Outcomes Of Patients Operated For Exstrophy-epispadiascomplex At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Menelik-ii Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Exstrophy epispadias complex (EEC) is a spectrum of congenital abnormalities thatrninvolves urinary system, musculoskeletal system, pelvis, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, genitalia,rnand sometimes the spine and anus. It encompasses epispadias, classic bladder exstrophy, cloacalrnexstrophy and other exstrophy variants. The management of EEC is primarily surgical. The surgicalrnprocedures are either functional anatomic reconstruction (single staged or multiple staged) andrnurinary diversions. The principal goals of surgical reconstruction in EEC are achieving urinaryrncontinence with volitional voiding, preservation of renal function, and functional and cosmeticrnexternal genitalia. rnObjective: Describe the outcomes of patients operated for exstrophy epispadias complex at TikurrnAnbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) and Menelik II specialized Hospital (NH) from September 1rn,rn2012 up to August 31rnstrn, 2019. rnMethod: Retrospective descriptive study which assessed the outcomes of patients operated forrnexstrophy epispadias complex at TASH and MH from September 1rnstrn, 2012 until August 31rnResults: One hundred and forty patients with EEC operated during study period, 91 patients (18rnisolated epispadias, 66 classic bladder exstrophy, 3 cloacal exstrophy, and 4 variant exstrophy) werernincluded in the study. No patient diagnosed during pregnancy. The median age at first hospitalrnpresentation was 5 months (birth to 12 years), and first operation was done at median age of 48rnmonths (4 days to 12 years). The commonest type of EEC was classic bladder exstrophy (71.4%).rnAssociated congenital anomalies was found in 26 (28.6%) of patients. Primary urinary diversionsrnwere done for 23 (25.3%) patients. Functional anatomic reconstructive procedures were performedrnfor 68 (74.7%) patients. Most patients with classic bladder exstrophy have failed anatomic functionalrnreconstruction and require urinary diversion to achieve continence. Early postoperative complicationsrnoccurred in 76 (89.4%) patients. Forty-two patients (29 Mainz pouch II, 7 augmentationrnileocystoplasty with catheterizable stoma, 5 epispadias repair and 1 complete primary repair ofrnbladder exstrophy) achieved urinary continence. More than half (52.3%) patients disappeared fromrntheir regular postoperative hospital visits. rnConclusion: Urinary continence after anatomic functional reconstruction to EEC usually requirernurinary diversion (Mainz pouch II or augmentation ileocystoplasty) except in isolated epispadias. rnstrn, 2019.

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Outcomes Of Patients Operated For Exstrophy-epispadiascomplex At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And  Menelik-ii Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia