Outcomes Of Outcomes Of Anerior Sagittal Ano-rectoplasty In The Management Of Rectoves Tibular Fistula At Two Referral Hospitals

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Background rnOver the years, a great deal of information has been acquired concerning the many variants ofrnARM. The current mortality for these anomalies for the most part has been very low and isrnrelated to associated anomalies and unfavourable chromosomal and genetic syndromes ratherrnthan the result of treatment of the ARM per se. rnIn general, agreement has been reached regarding some embryologic and anatomicrnconsiderations, diagnostic evaluation, and preoperative assessment. Most investigators wouldrnagree that results are better following repair of low defects when compared to intermediaternand high anomalies and those with cloaca. There remain several areas of controversyrnregarding the choice and timing of the procedure and methodology used to assess results.rnCertain poor prognostic factors have been identified, including abnormal sacrum, deficientrnpelvic innervation, poor perineal musculature and disorders of colonic motility. rnObjectives rnTo investigate the overall outcome ASARP in the management of recto vestibular fistula inrnTikur Anebessa Hospital & Minilik Referral Hospital , Ethiopia from January 1, 2015 tornDecember 30, 2020 rnMethods rnA cross-sectional study design with convenience sampling technique was used on 74 patientsrnwho had ARM with RVF. Krickenbecks bowel function scoring system was used to assessrnthe bowel functions score. Patients cards, follow-up charts and direct phone contacts withrnfamilies were used to collect data from selected ARM patients who undergone ASARP inrnthe two of the referral Hospitals from January 1,2015 to December 30, 2020. rnResult : In this study we do not found statistically significant associations between the typernof operations and the occurrence of Post-operative early wound complications or analrnstricture But the overall frequency of early post-operative complications more in two stagedrnASARP (14.8%) and anal stenosis is observed in the Three staged ASARP group morernfrequently (21%) . This study also found lower rates of screening for associated anomalies and higher rate of postoperative neo anal stricture (17.6%). Majority studied patient have anrnexcellent bowel function (96.2%).

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Outcomes Of Outcomes Of Anerior Sagittal Ano-rectoplasty In The Management Of Rectoves Tibular  Fistula At Two Referral  Hospitals