Background; orofacial cancer is a malignant neoplastic proliferation of epithelial and rnectomesenchymal tissue of oral and maxillofacial origin. The late presentation of patient,rnaggressive nature of orofacial malignancy and the anatomic site closure to vital organ makernorofacial cancer management challenging but no sufficient pioneer data in Ethiopia rnObjective: to assess the patters of primary orofacial malignancy patient visited Tikur Anbesarnspecialized hospital rnMaterials and Methods: consecutive cross sectional retrospective study was conducted onrn175 patients diagnosed with primary oral and maxillofacial malignancy seen at, Tikur Anbesarnspecialized Hospital over a period of January 2020 to December 2021. Data were collectedrnby chart review and entered to SPSS 25.0 for statistical analysis and results were presentedrnwith table, figures and charts. Percentage and frequency were employed for categorical datarnwhile mean was used for continuous variables. rnResult: Of 175 primary orofacial case analyzed male were 57.1 %{ n=100} with male tornfemale ratio 1.48: 1, mean age of (48.21 ± 16.93 years) and range (12–91 years). Squamousrncell carcinoma was the commonest cancer (52.0%) followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma.rnAbout 34.% of patient had known risk factor. Majority of the patient were diagnosed asrnstage IV, 65.7%. Distance metastases were identified in 8.6 % of the studied patient andrn41.7% of patients were treated surgically. rnConclusion: The study showed as carcinoma was the most prevalent cause of orofacialrncancer. Majority of patients were presented with advanced stage of disease and surgery wasrnthe main means of treatment modality.