Student - Teacher Interactions In English Classes In Four Schools In Add Is Ababa

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The purpose o f this study is in general to find out thernkind and frequency of verbal and non - verbal behaviors thatrntranspire when teachers and students in four selected twelfthrngrade English classes in Addis Abab a interact.rnFindings show :rnthat three teacher s did 75% to 84% of the talk inrnoutclass ;rnthat the remaining teach e r d i d 57% of t he talk whereasrnsilence and confusion accounted for 4 - 8%;rnthat student talk ranged fr om 12% to 18% in the threernclasses and 35% in the fourth one;rnthat nearly all teach e rs were more direct than indirectrnIn th8ir influence;rnthat Amharic was used Alon with English in two ofrnth8 four c]asses;rnthat nearly all the teachers in this study commentedrnpositively or negatively on ideas expressed byrnstudents ;rnthat although student s ' participation in class discussionrnwas minimal, the teachers did a great deal ofrnprompting ;rnthat on the average the teachers put emphasis on therncontent area about 59% of the time and,rnthat on the average 32% o f the time , the teachersrnand student s remained in the same category forrnperiods longer 3 seconds .

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Student - Teacher Interactions In English Classes In Four Schools In Add Is Ababa