Classroom Instructional Problems And Other Constraints As Correlates Of School Interruption In East Shoa Zone

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Investigation of the problem of school interruption, factorsrnassociated with interruption and its consequences, involving gradesrn9,10 & 11 three Senior High Schools in East Shoa Zone, OromiarnRegion was conducted for six months (October 2000-1April 2000a).rnThe data were collected by means of two questionnaire andrninterview as well as document study. Different methods of datarnanalysis (including t-test and ANOV A) were used in the study.rnThe results indicated that school interruption was pervasive inrnthe zone for the last three years ranging from 14.0 percent to 19.8rnpercent and from 20.9 to 25.6 source for males and femalesrnrespectively. It was more acute for females and for grade 9 students.rnThe major causes of interruption were identified to be (1) difficulty inrnthe language of instruction, irrelevance of curriculum, students' fear ofrnacademic failure, dissatisfaction with the quality of teaching, andrnshortage of classrooms or desks on one hand; and (2) economicrnconstraint, parental pressure for early marriage, parental need forrnchild labor perceived future prospect for employment or for furtherrneducation and family separation. The cumulative effect of factorsrnunder these two categories had influenced both males and females inrnall the three grade levels equally. However, selected factors such asrndifficulty in the language of instruction (affected grade 9 more), fear ofrnacademic failure and parental pressure for early marriage (affectedrnmales and females, respectively) and parental pressure for earlyrnmarriage again affected females or males with in a selected gradernlevels.rnImplications forwarded in terms of intervention strategiesrninclude: reviewing and improving the curriculum and methods ofrnteaching English, professional qualification of teachers, schoolrnfacilities, and building close contacts with parents, government andrnnon government institutions.

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Classroom Instructional Problems And Other Constraints As Correlates Of School Interruption In East Shoa Zone