Exploring Tacklers And Students Perceptions Of Error Correction In The Efl Classroom Grade 11 In Focus

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' and students'rnperceptions of error correction in the ~FL classroom. The study wasrndesigned to explore how teachers and students perceive errors, the typeBrnof errors that are frequently committed by learners, and the methods ofrnerror corrections employed.rnTo achieve the objectives, 28 teachers and 174 students in twornpreparatory secondary schools (Hotie and Memihir Akalewold) in Dessierntown were used as subjects. They filled in questionnaires, responded torninterviews and observed in classrooms.rnThis research revealed that both teachers and students believe thatrnerrors are rule deviations that occur both in speech and writing. Andrnmost of teacher interviewees confirmed that students do not want theirrnerrors to be corrected. The study also showed mismatches of errorrnperceptions between teachers and students over the amount of spokenrnand written errors provided by teachers, the relevance of the method ofrngiving hints or clues.rnThe classroom observation results revealed that all the SlX observedrnteachers corrected 39 errors out of the 40 errors committed by students.rnThis result clearly shows that teachers do not ignore some of learners'rnerrors. Teachers were also observed giving less attention to selfcorrection.rnOnly two errors (2.5% of the students' errors) were selfcorrected)rnwhich is against teachers' and students' responses of errorrnperceptions and the views of scholars such as Murphy (1986), Tudorrn(1996) and Ancker (2000) which are in favour of the importance of selfcorrection. Error correction is a complex problem that teachers and studentsrnencounter in their classrooms. This research revealed teachers' andrnstudents' perceptions of error correction. The methods of error correctionrnemployed by teachers should be in line with the learners' preferences tornmake the language learning process successfuL

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Exploring Tacklers And Students Perceptions Of Error Correction In The Efl Classroom Grade 11 In Focus