Rain Attenuation Estimation And Modeling For Terrestrial Microwave And Millimetric Band In Ethiopia

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Researchers and network designers had been encouraged to have a look at communication structures thatrnperform at microwave and millimeter-wave bands for high speed, and dependable wi-fi communicationrnstructures. Typically since of blockage within the lower frequency range and expanding demand forrnhuge transmission capacity and excessive channel capability. but, the reliability of radio communicationrnframeworks at the better operation frequency variety may be encouraged by means of different climaticrncomponents. precipitation is the major cause of impairment at higher frequency band. Rain attenuationrnis the prevailing figure within the way loss variety over 7 GHz and 10 GHz in tropical climates causesrnweakening within the transmitted signal and decrease of the link accessibility. In microwave design rainrnattenuation parameter using local data in Ethiopian context stays unstudied. Be that as it may, due tornthe stochastic nature of the rain , it is require for exact propagation estimation due to the reality thatrnover-prediction comes about in expensive over-design, while, under-prediction can result within the lackrnof quality of the frameworks.rnIn this paper, long-term rainfall measurements spanning a maximum of 10 years data collected fromrnEthiopia National Meteorology Agency (ENMA) are obtained for 60 locations and received signal levelrnmeasurement from Ethio Telecom, to develop rain rate for radio link availabilities between 99% andrn99.999% and rain attenuation maps for wireless radio links using Matlab and ArcGIS® software toolsrnand Excel and matlab. The research work has presented a model of 1-minute integration time rain fallrnrate statistics of different locations in Ethiopia based on as much information as it was possible to gatherrnlocally. The shortcoming of some widely used rain rate prediction approaches in relation to Ethiopia’srnclimate has been shown. Hence, a new improved rain rate integration time conversion method, based onrn1-minute rain rate data from a specific location, Jimma, has been used with good results. New R0.01rnvalue for Jimma, Bahirdar, Dubti and others rest country in Ethiopia were calculated.rnIn addition, particular attenuation (dB/km) for both horizontal and vertical polarization is decidedrnas proposed by Worldwide Telecommunication Union (ITU) proposals at chosen frequencies for thernarranging of remote systems.Comes about gotten from this approach consolidating both precipitationrnrate zones and particular attenuation over Ethiopia are displayed as spatial contour maps representationsrnfor different ranges of link accessibility. It’s conceived that these maps will work as a valuable asset forrnspeedy reference for future link plan estimates, for terrestrial and satellite systems over Ethiopia, EastrnAfrica. A comparison look at is finished on those to be had rain attenuation models; The ITU-R model,rnCrane international model, and also Moupfouma model at unique frequencies and propagation pathrnlengths upheld the exact 1-minute integration time rain rate surpassed at 0.01% of the time-averagedrnover a length of 10 a long time for each geological area. As a result, the attenuation predicted by newrnconversion model with ITU-R method has better attenuation estimation than other existing models. Itrnis possible see the clear difference from this result for this specific location.

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Rain Attenuation Estimation And Modeling For Terrestrial Microwave And Millimetric Band In Ethiopia