Exploring The Attitudes Of Grade Ten Students And Their English Language Teachers Towards Group Work

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The main purpose of the study was to explore the attitudes of grade ten studentsrnand their English language teachers towards group work in Entoto AmbarnSecondary School in Addis Ababa. Because of shortage of time, the study wasrnrestricted to 150 students and seven English language teachers at grade tenrnlevel. An attempt was made to identify students' attitudes towards group work,rnfind out grade ten English language teachers' attitudes towards group work, tornassess the status of group work as a mode of classroom interaction in EFLrnclasses, and to raise the awareness of English language teachers and otherrnresearchers about the role of group work in EFL classes. To do this, the datarnwere collected through classroom observation, interviews and questionnaires. Tornget the necessmy data, classroom observation checklist, two seven-itemrninterview questions- one for teachers and the other for students, two twenty-itemrnquestionnaires- one for teachers and the other for students were designed andrnused. To avoid or minimize data contamination, classroom observation was madernfirst, and then interviews were conducted and lastly questionnaires wererndistributed to the subjects. The data obtained were then analyzed andrndiscussed using percentages and means obtained from computations. The resultsrnreveal that both grade ten students and their English language teachers havernmildly positive attitudes towards group work. It was recommended that Englishrnlanguage teachers should be given additional training on how to effectively userngroup work.

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Exploring The Attitudes Of Grade Ten Students And Their English Language Teachers Towards Group Work