Bovine Mastitis And Antibiotic Resistance Patterns Of Major Pathogens In Small Holder Daiy Farms In The Central Highlands Of Ethiopia

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The study w as co nducted wi th the objectives of detemlining the prevalence o f clinical rnand subclinical mastitis, identifying th e major pathogens of bo vi ne mastitis and testing rnantimicrobial resistance of th e major pathogens isolated from quarter mi lk samples in rnsmallholder dairy farms in the central highlands of Eth iopi a. For this study, 109 rnsmallholder fanners and 500 dairy cows were selec ted by a one-sta ge cl uster sampling. rnQuestionnaire survey w as administered to th e f ann owners to c alleet data on cow and rnfaml attributes. Clinical examination, CMT and bacteriological culturing were perfonned rnto diagnose the occurrence of clinica l and subc lin ical mastiti s. Data collected was rnanalyzed using descript ive statistics and univariate and multivariate logistic regression. rnThe results revealed that the prevalence of clinical mastitis at herd, cow and quaner level rnafter culturing was 11 %, 2.6% and 0.5 1 %. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis at herd, rncow and quarter le ve l was 54.7%, 22.3% and 10.06%, respectively. The most important rnpathogens isolated from subcli nical mas titis cases were S. aw'eus (46.6%), s. epidermidis rn(22.8%), Sr. aga/aeriae (11.1 %) and Sr . liberis ( 10.1 %), whereas those of clinical mastitis rnwere Sr. aga/aeriae (30%), Sr. dysgalacriae (30%) and S. aureus (20%). The univariate rnlogistic regression showed that , among the risk facto rs considered, presence of teat lesion rn(p

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Bovine Mastitis And Antibiotic Resistance Patterns Of Major  Pathogens In Small  Holder  Daiy Farms In The Central  Highlands Of Ethiopia