A cross secti onal st ud~ of contagious caprinc pleuropneumonia in goals as conducted rnfrom October 1005 to March 2006: to dClCrminc seroprevalence. palholog~ and rn.~'c(lrl(llIla species in'Oh cd in pneumonic lungs of goats s laughtered aI ELFRA expon rnabattoir. LaboratoT} or'" as carried ou t at ~ational Veterinar:- In stitute (1':VI). A total of rn704 sera cre collected from goal'. that purchased from A 3Sh ( n= 114 ). Dire Oa3 (n rn==100) and 13 0rana (n =180). Lsing the Complement Fix ation Test (CFT) an ocrall rnprcalcnce of 48 J% (95%. CI 47.4 -51.1%) as obtained. The prcalcnce in A3Sh. Dire rnDa3 and Barana cre 4:,3% (95% CI -41 1- 5-1.3%). 4-4.5% (95% CI 38.1 -5 1.9%) and rn51.8% (Q5%. Cl 46.58°'0) respecticI~. -Iherc as no significant diOc re ncc (1'>0.05) in rnseTopn:'a1ence among three origins. as ell as no statistical significance (p>0.05) among rnindiidual age ... of goats. : serial c·ELlS: --a s also conducted on CFT positle sera: rn;1I;"~'ordingl~ an o('rall rn:alenee of I U~( (95% CI S.8 • 15.-Yo) --as recordeJ. rnSeroprcalence in .. ash. Dire Da-a and Horana --cre 17% (95% C I II I - 25.9%). 5.6% rn145° CI 2A - I:; 2' I and II - (95°'0 CI - 5 - IS.3) rcspectl-el~ There - as significant rndiffen:nce (p rnsignilicantl~ different Ip