Epidemiological Investigation Of Mechanically Transmitted Trypanosomosis (trypanosoma Vivax) Of Domestic Animals In Three Districts Bordering Lake Tana Ethiopia.

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An epidemiological invc~[igatjon o f mechanic ali) transmitted trypanosomosis as unde rtaken rnat the three districts (l3ahir Dar Zuria. Delllbia and Foge ra) bordering tal..e Tana that arc rnlocated in Amharct :.Jilliona! Regional Stall'. I-.thiapia. The SlUd} a'i conductcu llh the rnobjeclies o f determining the prcalencc of [r~ranosomosis in calth:. ,mall ruminants and rnequines. idelllif)ing biting Oil'S and irlcstigating the presence of drug resistance 10 rnIsomcthamidiulll chloride and Diminazinc .:lcc!Uratc in the stu dy are as. rnrhe mcthodolog) folloH..'d as tha t a total or 1509 cank. 798 small ruminan ts and 749 rnequines ere considered for the prevalence 'IUJ) ull1iw.: d lllechanil';!ll~ mediated b~ bi til1g tl ie-,>_ r l'il'lL' rninli:.::lioll in .::auic of thc

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Epidemiological Investigation Of Mechanically Transmitted Trypanosomosis (trypanosoma Vivax) Of Domestic Animals In Three Districts Bordering Lake Tana Ethiopia.