Prevalence Distribution And Antimicrobial Resistance Profile Of Salmonella Isolated From Food Items And Personnel In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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A cross-sectional study to detennine the prevalence. distribution and antimicrobial profile ofrnSalmonella serotypes isolated from food items and apparently healthy supermarket butcheryrnworkers was undertaken from September 2003 to February 2004. A lotal of 1200 food itemsrnconsisting of chicken carcass (208). pork (194). mutton (212). minced beef( 142), cottage cheesern(190). Tilapia fish meat (128) and ice cream (126) were purchased in Addis Ababa. Additionallyrnsixty-eight stool samples were analyzed. Chicken carcass, pork. mutton and minced beef samplesrnwere collected from 32 randomly selected supermarkets while cottage cheese, fish and ice creamrnsamples were collected from open markets (3). fish shops (6) and pastry shops (i 7) in AddisrnAbaba. respecti elyrnOut of the food iterru, 7 8% were positive for Salmonella and of sixty-eight stool samples fiverngave positive result (7rn~%)rnAbout 1-1% of chicken carcass, 11 .3% of pork, 108% of mutton,rn8 5% of minced beef, 2 1 % of cottage cheese, 2 3% of fish and none of the ice cream yieldedrnSalmonella. Salmonella was recovered from samples taken from 21 of the 32 supellllarketsrnconsideredrn111rnthe study On the other hand one open market out of three, two fish shops out of sixrnand none of the 17 past))' shops gave Salmonella positive resultsrnA total ofrnI~rndifferent serotypes out of 98 Salmonella isolates were identified Salmollcllarn'ewpon (418%) was the most prevalent serotype, followed by S. Braenderuprn(l~rn1%). S Hadarrn(82%), S. Typhimurium (7.1 %). S Dublin (61 %) and S Haifa (61 %) Less commonly isolatedrnSalmollella serotypes included S. I"fantis , S Kentucky, S. Bovjsmorbificans , S. Anatum, SrnZanzibar, S Kottbus, S Saint paul and S I 9. 12' - Salmonella Newpon and S. Kentucky werernreponed for the first time in Ethiopia Salmonella Newpon was Isolated from all sample typesrnexcept ice cream. while S. Braenderup, S Kottbus. S. Saintpaul were detected only from chickenrncarcass, pork and minced beefsamples, respectivelyrnThere as a statistically significant difference in the rate of Salmonella isolation between meatsrn(chicken carcass. pork, mutton and minced beef) and the rest of the samples (cottage cheese. fishrnand ice cream) (Pearson's X'rn= 37569.rndfrn=rnI, p-valuernXl"rn= 0000)rnThe level of antimicrobial resistance was significantly higher for chicken carcass and pork isolates as compared to otherrnsamples (prn~rn0.003).rnAssay of ant imicrobial resistance revealed that 32.7% of Sa/moil ella isolates were resistant to onernor more of the 24 antimicrobials tested. Generally resistance fo r 13 different antimicrobial drugsrnwas recognized The most common resistance was to streptomycin (24/32, 75%), ampicillinrn(19/32, 59.4%), tetracycline (15/32, 46.9%), spectinomycin (13 /32, 40.6%) and sulfisoxazolern(13/32, 40.6%). All the three Salmonella Kentucky isolates showed resistance to at least 8rnantimicrobials, which includes: ampicillin, amoxici llinlclavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, na lidicrnacid. spectinomycin, st reptomycin. sulfisoxazo le and tetracycline. Out of the 12 Salmonel/arnBraenderup isolates, 10 (83 .3%) showed mult idrug resistance to ampicillin, spectinomycin,rnstreptomycin.rnsulfisoxazole. sulfameth oxazoleltrimethoprim, amoxicilli nfclavulanic acid andrnn-imethoprim Among the 8 S. Hadar isolates 7 (86.5%) showed antimicrobial resistance of whichrnthree isolates showed resistance to streptomycin and tet racycline, two isolate showed resistancernto tetracycline and the other two for streptomycin. All the 6 S. Dublin iso lates were resistant torncarbadox ( 100 %) while one was addit ionally resistant to tetracycline. All the 6 S. Haifa strainrnisolated were resistant for at least ampicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline. Up to ten differentrnantimicrobial resistances pattem was observed_ Antimicrobial resistance was most commonrnamong Sa/mollelia isolated ITom chicken carcass (18/29, 62 . 1 %) followed by pork (5/22, 22 .7%).rnMultiple antimicrobial drug resistance was observed in 23 Salmonel/a isolates (23 .5 %). Therndetection of 7.4% Salmonella calTiers· supennarket workers shedding S. Newpon, the mostrnprevalent serotype, suggests possible linkage and potential source of infection.rnThe findings of the present study ascenain that Sa/mollel/a serotypes were widely distributedrnpanicularly in supennarket meat samples and significant proportion have developed resistancernfor routinely prescribed antimicrobial drugs both in veterinary and public health sectors . Thisrnposes considerable health hazards to the consumers unless prudent antimicrobial usage, adequaternheat treatment. improvement of standards of hygiene and development and enforcement ofrnsuitable legislation. which safeguard consumers, are urgent ly instituted.

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Prevalence Distribution And Antimicrobial Resistance Profile Of Salmonella Isolated From Food Items And Personnel In Addis Ababa Ethiopia