Evaluation Of Sbien Parameters In Ethiiopian Indigenous Bulls Kept At Kaliti Artificial Insemination Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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The semen of six indigenous breeds bulls (Barca, Boran, Harro and Sheko) which were keptrnal the N ationa! A rtificial l nsemination Center (NAlC). Kali li, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia werernevaluated for physico·morphological parameters (volume, color, mass and individual motility,rnconcentration, total count, percentage live and morphologically nonnal, total morphologicallyrnnonnal and viable number), biochemical parameters (GOT, GPT, Aep, ALP, total protein)rnand honnonai assay (testosterone). Semen was col lected for a thirteen week period from sixrnindigenous bulls kept at the Al center. The collection was done once per week using anrnartificial vagina and semen sampll;:s were subjected to nomlai physico-morphologicalrncharacterization and seminal plasma was separated and preserved at -20 °C until analysis.rnThe overall mean (SE) value for t he indigenous bulls in the semen characteristics studiedrnwere volume 4.84 (0.20) ml, mass motility 3.15 (0.11). individual motility 68.72 (1.37)rnpercent, concentration 1.54 (0.07) billion/ml, total count 7.35 (0.47) billion/ejaculate, viablernnumber 5.10 (0.33) billion/ejaculatl~, total morphologically nonnal number 7.12 (0.45)rnbillion/ejaculate, live percentage 79 .. 73 (0.65), percent morphologic nomlal 94.70 (0.38),rnpercent nomml acrosome 96.99 (0.60), GOT 1530.91 (60.15) UlL, GPT 131.99 (9.36) UIL,rnALP 3333 .98 (608.84) UIL, ACP 8003.68 (716.06) UIL, total protein 7.38 (0.26) gm/dL,rntestosterone 2.84 (0.3) nglml, head abnonnality 1.87 (0.15) %, mid-piece (body) abnonnalityrn1.92 (0.22) %, tail abnormality 1.50 (0.18) %, total abnonnality 5.29 (0.38) %, majorrnabnonnality 2.25 (0.19) %, minor abnormality 3.04 (0.28) %, acrosome defect 3.0 (0.60) %,rnnarrow at base 0.37 (0.09) %, abnomlal contour 0.12 (0.04) %, undeveloped fonn 0.74 (0.15)rn%, detached abnonnal 0.21 (0.09) %, pear shaped 0.05 (0.02) %, small abnonnal 0.05 (0.03)rn%, abaxial attachment 0.57 (0.11) %, other head abnormality 0.07 (0.03) %, spennatozoarnhead length 9.18 (0.03) "m, head breadth 4.61 (0.01) "m, mid-piece length 13.61 (0.02) "m,rntail length 47.56 (0.1) "m.rnThe semen physico-morphologic and seminal plasma biochemical parameters observed in thisrnstudy for the Ethiopian indigenous bulls are comparable to nomlai fertile bulls reportedrnelsewhere based on the evaluation of fresh semen parameters.

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Evaluation Of Sbien Parameters In Ethiiopian Indigenous Bulls Kept At Kaliti Artificial Insemination Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia