Seroepiddiiological Stdy Of Blutongue In Indigenous Sheep In Selected Districts Of Amaha Natonal Regional North Western Ethiopia

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A serocepidemiological Survey of bluetongue virus was conducted Wilh the objectives ofrnDetermining the di stnbution and seroprevalence of bluetongue and putative risk factors rnAssociated with seroposilivity in indigenous Ethiopian "heep in Amhara National RegionalrnState.northern Ethiopia competive enzyme-linked immunosorben assay andrnRelevant information using a standard questionnaire format were used in the study 860 serum samples were collected from indigenous heep: and 45 livestock owners were interviewed. The study was undertaken in three agroecological zones including lowland middle alutude and highland.

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Seroepiddiiological Stdy Of Blutongue In Indigenous Sheep In Selected Districts Of Amaha Natonal Regional North Western  Ethiopia