Ruminant Fasciolosis Studies On The Clinical Occurrence Coprology Malacology And Abattoir Survey In Debre Birhan And Surrounding Areas .

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A study on ruminant fasciolosis in Oebre Berhan and surrounding Peasant Associations wasrnconducted from September 2005 to February 2006. The town of Dchre Berh an andrnsurrounding five Peasa nt Associations fPA '51 within 15 k111 radius namely; Chole, Genal,rnZanjera, Wushawushign and Faji kebele were includ ed in these study period. The studyrnconsisted of a questiorulaire survey, clinical examination, stud ies on the prevalence ofrnfasciolosis in cattle and sheep as well as snail population dynamics and infection rates. Duringrnthe study period cross sectional surveys, coprologicaJ examination on animals and evaluationrnof the liver fluke disease with reference to sex, breed, age, body co ndition score and seaso nrnwere perfonned. At the same time studies were conducted in Oebre Serhan municipal abaltoir,rnprivate hotels and restaurants to evaluate the leve l of liver nuke disease damage in slaughteredrnanimals. The methodology and procedures used in the studi es consisted questionnaire survey,rncoprology_ abattoir survey and malacology. Out of the 246 faecal samples collected fromrncattle and 38-1- from sheep 158 (64.23%) and 208 (54.17 %) were found positive for fasciolosisrnrespecti'ely. Results of the coprologica examinations also indicated that the prevalence of tilerndisease significantly varied among the study locations and species of animals. The highestrninfection rate in cattle was found in Vushawushign (77.5%) and the lowest (53.7%) in Fajirnkebeles. On the other hand the pre'alence of ovine fasc iolosis was highest in Genet Giorglsrn(61.80%) than other kebeles while the lowest prevalence of ovine fasciolosis were recorded inrnWushawushignrnkebelernthoughrnstatistically notrnsignificantrn(P>0.05).rnResults of thernmalacological study showed that the major species identified were Lylllnaea natalellSls. L.rnfrllI/cawla, BulillllS IrclllcalllS, B. Jorscalii. Bioll/phi/aria pJefferi. Bim/via, AlleyJlls al/d OllieI'rnsmall Plallorbids.rnFrom the findings of this study the most abundant snail was BulillllSrnaccounting (55.60%) followcd by Lymnaed species. Snail population dynamics and theirrncercanae shedding pattem was higher in late rain season than in the dry season. L. IUllaJellslsrnwas encountered for the first time in thi s area. These snails were recovered from AngolelarnRiver at a dislance of about 15 kms on Oebre Berhan-Mendida·Jihur road located at anrnaltiwde 2621 Ill.a.s.l. Of the 223 bovine and 292 ovine cases prcsented to the Debre SirhanrnVeterinary Clinic 38.56% and 28.77% were coprologically positive for Fasciola infecti on.respectively. The drugs most commonly used for the treatment of fasc iolosis in the clinic wererntricalbendazole and albendazole. Analysis of the findings among different age groups alsornindicated the existence of significant difference in prevalence of fasciolosis both in cattle andrnsheep (PO. OS). while stastically no significant difference was noted inrncattle. The primary objectives of this study were to assess the magnitude of fascioliasis inrnruminants in the study area: identify the species of snails incriminated as intemlediate hostsrnand examine snail infection rates.

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Ruminant  Fasciolosis Studies On The Clinical Occurrence Coprology Malacology And Abattoir Survey In Debre Birhan And Surrounding Areas .