The present stud} wa~ conducted rrom August 2004 to Apnl 2005 L1h Iht: ObJcclle~ IIf rndctemumng. the prevalence, extent and d istribution 0 dourine III horses and IOCSlIgaling rnoccurrence of cllmeal cases 3S well 3S carner st:ltes of donkey .. and mules III the Arst- B:llc rnIllgh la nd s. At the same time a lon g Ltudmal study was conducted to assess the efficacy of the rnIsomet::mudlUlll chlonde ( IS MM ) Hnd D lITu nazenc acetumte (I)I~ I ) III Iht treatment of ch mcal rnc ases of dou rine. An IIlvcs ligalion was also conducted encom pa~Slllg cluesttonmure nnd rnserological survey o n th e presence of dO Urine in adjacent geograph ic"l areas of the Ar o r any other haemopara~l1c~ rncould be detected in all cxanll ned Glemsa stained smears (th in blood. gell ital di sc harge and ti~l;uC rnfluids) as well as In bl ood samples by mil CT. All th e puppIes Inoc ulated lth blood samrk~. wa she s and oed cmalOUS nUids remained parasl1ologicall ) Ilegaue. Diffe rent rnch ara ctcri stic clinical signs o f dourinc were observed in clilllcally ~Ic k horses of both sexes . The rnprominent clinical signs observed as geni tal fo m) o f the di sease mclude vagmal dl:.chargc mallll~ rnof mucopurulent type "ilh foul odou r. oedema lind presence of deplgmcn ted ..,cars 0 (' 1' till' rno,:)'lerna l genita lia , oc,icmu o f Ihe