Epidemology Of Ticks And Tick-borse Protozoal Diseases Of Cattle In Decha Wereda Southern Ethiopia

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An epidemiological In vcsligallon of tick and tick borne protozoa paras ites was undertakenrnfrom September 2004 to March 2005 in Decha wereda, Kaffa zone, SNNPRS. The study wasrnconduc ted wi th the 31m of deteml in ing the d istribution. preval ence and seasonal yariation ofrncatlle tick species and tick borne protozoa paras ites through cross secllonal and longltudmalrnepidemiological study method5. A total of 480 catt le ( 160 from each highland. midland andrnlowland geographical zones) were used for c ross sectional study while a total of 120 Cattle (40 from each ge,agraphlcai zones) wcre involved in longitudinal study. The longItudi nal stud)rnwas conducted on September. November, January and March that represents la le rai n. earlyrndry. late dry and early rain seasons. respectively.

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Epidemology Of Ticks  And Tick-borse  Protozoal Diseases  Of  Cattle In Decha Wereda Southern Ethiopia