Bacteriological Quality Of Bovine Milk In Small Hollder Dairy Farms In Debre Zeit Ethiopa

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The critical control l point in milk handling, determination of bacterial load of In milk at eachrncritical control points and farm water, isolation and identification of bacterial pathgens inrnmilk were determined from .september2003 to march 2004 .A total f 178 raw milk amplernform various critical points , and 77 farm water sample were taken three times from 27 smallrnholder dairy farm of Adaa-Libcn district dairy and dairy products producers and marketingrnco-operative society Pasteurized milk sample (n= 100) were taken from mama milk processing plant. Specific gravity alcohol and Californian mastitis were used as screening test and total aerobic plate counts (TA P C) and coliforrn count • from milk and thernmost probable num be r (MPN ) of coliforn count from farm water were conducted. Isolationrnand identification of the bacteria in the milk was conducted following standard method.

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Bacteriological Quality Of Bovine Milk In Small Hollder Dairy Farms In Debre Zeit Ethiopa