The study was conducted at Holeta Bull Dam tation and G nesis Farm with the rnobjective of evaluating age at first effective service (AF ) age at first calving (AF ), rndays open (DO), number of service per conception (N ), calving interval (CI), lactation rnmilk yield (LMY) and lactation length (LL). Data recorded in the Holeta Bull Dam rnStation from 1997 to 2003 and in Genesis arms from1996 to 2005was used for this rnstudy. the independent variables considered included location, birth year and season rncalving year and season and parity while AF , AF , DO cr, N , LMY and LL were rnthe dependent variables. Data were analyzed using The General Linear Models procedure rn(GLM) of the Statistical Analy is System (A 2002). The results indicated that the rnoverall least squares means (± standard error) of AF , AFC, D , cr, N C, LMY and LL rnwere 733 ±16 days, 1001 ± 17days, 202 ± 13 days, 470 ±12day , 2 ± 1, 4097± rn1491liters and 301±91days, respcctively. Location had highly significant (p