Planning And Management Of Accessible Urban Green Infrastructure In Addis Ababa Ethiopia From Urban Park Perspectiv

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Ethiopia, like most developing countries has becoming increasingly urbanizing. Urban green infrastructurern(UGI) are important settings for improving the quality of urban life. However, with the continuation of rnurbanization, providing UGI in the major cities of the country became difficult. Development of accessible rnUGI remains a major challenge of the capital city Addis Ababa as well. Many studies have been conducted rnon the factors that contributed to the inaccessibility and undersupply of UGI in cities of developed rncountries. Contrary to this, similar studies in rapidly urbanizing cities of Africa like Addis Ababa are scant. rnThe aim of this study is to fill this gap, by examining the status, accessibility and constraints of UGI in rngeneral and urban parks (UPs) in particular in rapidly urbanizing city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnA variety of socio-spatial data were collected from different sources and analyzed by using various rnanalytical techniques. First, the study mapped and calculated the status of UGI from 2003 to 2016 based rnon the land use data of the city in ArcGIS. Then, the study analyzed the spatial accessibility of recreational rnparks based on proximity, per capita green indicators and park quality parameters by using the land use rnmaps, road network, gridded population data, and park audit data. Apart from looking at the spatial rnperspectives of UPs access, the study also addressed the social perspectives of UPs access based on park rnusers and household survey. The study employed structured questionnaire to collect data from 399 sample rnpark visitors (189) and households (210) surrounding the parks. Besides, descriptive statistics, cross tabulation, chi-square test and multivariate regression were used to analyze the association between the rnvariables. Finally, the study examined the constraints behind the current states of UGI based on the result rnof the study, document review, expert interview and field observation.rnThe land use land cover change analysis result disclosed that the land use of UGI from 2003 to 2016 is rndecreased by 22.4 percent. The land use of unban agriculture significantly declined (by 86.1 percent)rnfollowed by the land use of urban forest (by 15.3 percent). In addition, the spatial accessibility indicators rnshowed that the city residents do not have enough recreational parks. The city’s park per capita was very rnsmall (0.37m2rn) compared to Ethiopian UGI standards (15m2rn) and the large portion of the city’s population rn(above 90 percent) has no access to existing parks within the minimum walking distance thresholds. Thernresults indicated that there is high demand of recreational parks in the city. Thus, to satisfy the currentrndemand the city administration should provide 6718.1ha of UPs. Apart from the spatial analysis, the socialrnsurvey analysis of the study has also revealed important findings about access and the use pattern of UPs. rnivrnThe result indicated that the socio-demographic variables such as age, income, occupation, and physical rnfactors such as distance, traveled time to the park, and mode of transport were important predictors (p< rn0.05), and the limiting factors for accessing UPs in the study area. Lack of different programs in the parks rnand personal constraints such as lack of time, interest and awareness about the available UPs were the rnother constraints that affect park utilization. The city parks are poor in terms of park quality parameters rnsuch as the availability of facility, maintenance, cleanness and safety or security of the parks. rnIn general, the study revealed that UGI is degrading, and inaccessible to the majority of city residents and rndifferent groups of the community in terms of size, proximity, time, transportation, and overall quality. The rnstudy identified a number of constraints behind the current state of UGI in general UPs in particular in rnAddis Ababa. Some of the major constraints include; the expansion of built up area (formal or informal rnhousing, and infrastructure expansion), population and housing density, lack of policy and regulations at rnnational and municipal level, lack of proper planning, insufficient operation of existing urban planning rnregulations or laws, lack of priority and attention for UGI development, and organizational or management rnproblems. rnFinally, the overall results obtained through the combination of the socio-spatial analysis were used to rndevelop the planning and management strategies to maintain and provide accessible UGI in the city and rnbeyond. First, there is a need to properly plan, strictly adhere to the development plan, and implement UGI rnnetwork at city scale so as to reduce the encroachment and the fragmentation of UGI in the city. Second, rnimproving UPs accessibility by enhancing the availability and quality of UPs as well as the transportation rnservice so as to address the recreational need of the city residents. Third, consideration of the need and rnpreference of different groups of the community during UPs planning and development, and raising the rnawareness of the community about the importance of UPs have also paramount importance for UPsrndevelopment. Fourth, formulating a sound UGI policy at a national and municipal level; revisiting the rnplanning system including the quantitative and qualitative standard of UPs; and improving park rnmanagement system have also a paramount importance to achieve the current demand of UPs in Addis rnAbaba city. Finally, I hope that this study serves as a benchmark for policy and planning to ensure rnaccessible and adequate UGI in rapidly urbanizing city of Addis Ababa and beyond.

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Planning And Management Of Accessible Urban Green Infrastructure In Addis Ababa  Ethiopia From Urban Park Perspectiv