Serological And Participatory Epidemiological Survey Of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia In Afar Pastoral Areas North East Ethiopia

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Contagious caprinc pleuro pneumo nia (Cepp) is a re s piratory disease of goms caused b) rnMycoplasma ClIprico/1I111 subspecies capripne lll1lollioe (MccP). A Partic ipato ry Rural rnAppraisa l (PRA ) technique and IWO stage stratified cross secti o nal sero logical s urve y was rnconducted on ce pp fro m October 2005 to April 2006 in Afar pas torali st areas 10 determine rnthe overall scropreva len ce of the disease and assess the impact o f communi!) animal health rnworkers (CA HWs) on the di sease occ urrence. rnThe s tud y po pulati on was stratified int o two based on differences in vClcri nar) service rnprov id ers in th e areas. A total of 1.183 sera samples ( 1.1 58 goats and 2S sheep) were tested rnusi ng complement fixation test (CFT) and com petiti ve enzyme linked immunosorbenl assay rn(cELl SA) tests. and 40 informant groups (on average 12 persons per grou p) ere in terviecd. rnResults of the participator) disease assessment showed that among th e li cstocl.. 0 ned. goats rnare thei r second preferences next to camel because of their comparative advantages espe c ia ll ) rnth ey are drought resista nt and have shan period of reproduction interval. The herders also rnid en tifi ed that CC PP as one of most comlllon di seases o f goals next to pa5. teurel losis and rnother stress associated diseases. causing high morbid i! ) and 1l10na lit). Out of 1.183 sera rnsamples tested. 344 (29.08%) were se ropos it ive for MccP anti gen lI s ing CFT e 5.1 and 19 . 19 % rnin the cE ll SA . rnIn both CFT and cELlSA tests. univariate and multivariate anal~ sis of cpidellliologicall~ rnassumed ri sk fact ors showed that prevalence of CCPI' is hi gh ly assoc iated ith the veterinary rnservice provision through CA HW s. The serapositi ity as higher (36.78%.) in areas here rnCA HW s are absent than CA HWs int e rve ntion a re as (21.42%). The seroprealcllces ob

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Serological And Participatory Epidemiological Survey  Of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia In Afar Pastoral Areas North East Ethiopia