Epidemiology Of Bovine Brucellosis In Selected Three Agroecologies In Central Oromia Ethiopia

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" cross-sectIonal ~cro-cpidcrnJl)logical study or 110 IIlC brucellos is ;s carned out in rnthn:c difcfcrcnmt ngroccologlcs of cellt ral Oromia. Ethiopia. T he stud) as conducted rnli'orn Sept em her 2005 to ~larch 2U06 to dctcnnlllC the oerall c urrcllI cpi dcmi ologicnl rnpi c ture of Ihe disease and the effect of pot ential risk f~lcto rs in the stud y areas. A total of rn176 households (ElrillS) and the 1238 illlll11 a is were selected randomly by Olle stage rncluster sa mplin g method from all tht: three agro-ccological arcas. From the lowla nd areas. rn59 households and -l2J ~1Il1I1lal~' "lfC sd .:tL'1 1 '. 1,11 "S 1, uscholt1s lid S:- ,jllln.tlS ,..:n: rnselected from the lllid-hi~h1alld arC;I'-' 31H I ';;9 hnu

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Epidemiology Of Bovine Brucellosis In Selected Three Agroecologies In Central  Oromia Ethiopia