Integration Of Tsetse Survey Data And Agro-ecological Characteristics From Remotely Sensed And Field Observation A Geographic Information System In The Reft Valley Of Ethiopia

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----- A tsetse fl y survey was carried out in over I00 km ~ of the study site of the Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia Tsetse Eradication Project (SRVETEP) with the objective of imegrating the remotely sensed data. ground verified agro-ecoiogical characteristics and tsetse survey d::na in a geographic infonnation system (GIS). Field data collection on tsetse fly distribution and abundance and ground vegetation type observation was conduc ted in two seasons: the dry season survey (March) and the wet season survey(]une and first week of July), Seventy-eight NGU traps baited with ace tone and three week old cow urine was used for catching tsetse during each season. Traps were deployed in a transect in a selected Ix I Km. UTM (Universal TransverseMlercater) grid square . .a hand held receiver GPS (Garmin -48) was used for geo-referencing and sPO( elevation measurement ot the trappmg Siles. Remotely sensed Landslt TM of the area taken in 1994 was anulysed . The digital image processing employed the supervised classificatio n procedure with the maximum likelihood decision rule, Tsetse survey data. ground observed vegetation type and the procesed remotely sensed datl were integrated into the GIS database Arcvie 3 I Variol enviro nmental features like roads, rivers, senlement, Contours and Lakes In the stedy area were digitised and incorporated into the GIS databse

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Integration Of Tsetse Survey Data And Agro-ecological Characteristics From Remotely Sensed And Field Observation A Geographic Information System In The Reft Valley Of Ethiopia