Epidmiology And Zoonotic Importance Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Selected Sites Of Eastern Shoa Ethiopia

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A. survey was conducted In De bre Zeit and .-ddis Ababa. from Jo.nu:!ry to October. 1997 in rncanle and human tuberculosis patients to study thl;! epidemiology or bOJne tuberculosis and to rnassess the role of J! hOlliS in human T8 cases re spectively. The methods applied wefe rncomparative intradermal tuberculin te st. postmortem diagnosis. cul tural examination. rnbiochemical te:m and questionnaire su rve::v on human TB p:ltients and 'Jlry farm "o rkers. rnA to tal of 788 anim:tls ere subjected to the comparatje intradermal :uberculin test (C lOT) rnresulting In 2.3Qo o pOSHle and 5.81)'0 doubtful reacWrs. Th ere as a slgmricant difference In rnpre alenee between tiums sites ranging fr om -J. .2° 0 to 90.8°0 mcludin.,; the doubtful reactors , I,Z~ test. p

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Epidmiology And Zoonotic  Importance Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Selected Sites Of Eastern Shoa Ethiopia