ABSTRACT rnA study was undenaken to determine the seroprevalence o f Afri can horse sick ness viru s rnantibod ies, isolate and characterize th e vi ru s re sponsible as well as identi fy potenti al risk rnfacto rs in t he equi ne po pulation of sel ected study areas in Ethio pia In total 1265 seru m rnsamples origina t ing from 824 donkeys, 383 horses and 58 mules were coll ected from rnSeptember 2005 to mid of April 2006. Comp eti tive Enzy me Linked Immu nosorbent Assay rn(C-ELISA) configu rati o n was employed to dete rmine the presence of AHSV antibodies rnThe apparent prevalence of AHSV was found to be 297% (95% C I ~ 26.8-33 .0) in rndonkeys, 104% (95% C I ~ 78- 14 .0) in ho rses and 103% (95% C I ~4 . 8 -22 I) in mules rnThe overall apparent sera prevalence of AJ-I SV was found to be 23% (95% C I~20 8-25 4) rnThere is sig nificant variat ion amongst the types of equidae in seropositivity (P