Studies On Coccidiosis And Cryptosporidiosis In Small Ruminants At Elfora Export Abattior And In And Around Debre - Zeit Ethiopia

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A cross secti onal study on cocci odi osis and cryptosporidiosis in small ruminants at rnELF ORA export abattoir and in & around Debre-zeit wa s conducted from October, 2005 rnto February. 2006. In this stu dy, att empt s we re made to det ennine th e preval ence and rnintensity of Eimeria an d Cryplosporidi ll m infection in shee p and goats. Mo re over. rnpotential risk factors associated with the infecti ons and the species of Eimeria and rnCf)prosporidillm incrimi nated in the infect ions were identi ti ed. A total of 1152 faeca l rnsamples (384 from animals inten ded for slaughte r at ELF ORA ex port abattoi r and 768 rnsamples from those reared under extensive condi tion of Dch re-zeit and its surrounding rnareas) were collected and examined by faecal flo tati on using co ncentrated sugar sol ut ion rn(Sheather's sugar solution) to detect the oocysts of Eimeria and c,yptosporilldillm rnspecies. Faecal samples suspected of O),ptosporidillm were also examined under a rnmic roscope using modified Kinyoun acid· fas t staining tec hniq ue. Measurement rn(Micrometery) of oocysts to identify the species involved in the infections and rndetennination ofoocysts per gram of faeces (O PG) were also conducted. Out of the 1152 rnfaecal samples collected and examined. 346(49°'0) ovinc and 173(38.5%) caprine were rnfound to be infected with Eimeria species. Only four (0.57°0) faecal samples collected rnfrom sheep were infected wi th Cryptosporidillf1l (mdcrsoni. At Debrc·Zeit and its rnsu rroundings, 37.8% and 0.5°0 prevalence of Eimeria and Cryprosporidillm infections rnwere respectively regi~iered . While 59.6°'0 and 0 prevalence of Eimeria and rnO)'prosporidillm infections were reco rded respectively at ELFORA. Stali stically. a rnsignificant variation (P O.05) observed in the prevalence rate of Eimeria infect ion between the two sexes of rnthe study anima ls. There was no significan t varia ti on ( P>O.0 5) observed in the rnpre,alence of CrYPlosporidiwJl infection between (he two study sites. animal hosts. rnanimal sex, between age groups and among the months of the study period . There was no rnsignificant variation (P >O.0 5) observed in the mean OPG values of Eimeria rnbetween the rnVIII rntwo age groups of the study animals. High and low mean OPG values of Eimeria oocysts rnin November and December were respecivly recorded

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Studies On Coccidiosis And Cryptosporidiosis In Small Ruminants  At Elfora Export Abattior And In And Around Debre - Zeit  Ethiopia