A cross-sec tio nal Clwlcmio ogicai study was carried out from October 2005 to March 2006 10rndelL'11111l1C tht: S I.;roprca1cncc 0 r c ame b n1cc llosis in s Ollth cas! 10 I and a rcas 1 n JiJ iga lone,rnSoma li 1a1l011 '-11 Regional State (SNRS). to characterize the management system. determine thernscroprcvacnce of camel brucellosIs and identify the risk faclOrs that contribute to the OCCU1Tcnccrnof bmccllosis. A simple ra ndom sampling method was used to seleci 822 camel and 185 he rdsrn(households) 59~ camels