A rctfospcctive study was carried out in Kenya with lhc objective to summarise and map CBrp outbreaks. tu relate th em tll caule movement patterns. to assess vaccination coverage. and to evaluate factors affecting the reporting of CBPr.to passive data were collected for 1989 to 1998 from district reports. slaughterhouse reports and laboratory reports. Active data were collected by questionnaires in 8 districts Tana river where CBPP is believed to be endemic. Data werw collected by questionaiuers in 8 distrcts tana river .where CBPP in belived to be Mwing lMuenig Makuen kiajiado. and Thika which are believed to be Newly infected. and Kiambu and Nairobi districts 'hieh arc regarded as CUPP free. 166 fanner. 14 veterinarian. 12 slaughterhouse and 18 paractcrinary persollnel questionnaires were administered primarily to tlctcnnine the factors affecting disease reponmg. and to describe the production systems and also additional infunllation 011 CBP P outbreaks,Vaeeinations and cattle movcment. ilap Info Profcssional and Arc View 3.0a cre used to map CBPP vaccinations and its relation to cattle movcmcnt pauems. Microsoli Excel 97 and tatSgraphics Lpus 2.1 were used to store and analyse respectively the data obtained