This study Was Conducted to established the Prevalence of the Gastrointestinal Helminths Infectingrnthe Small Ruminants in Eastern and Southern semi arid zones of Ethiopia, to Determine the SeasonalrnDynamics and relative Importance of Gastrointestinal Helminth Infection. to Determine thernRelationship Between the Faecal Egg Output and Intensity of Infection (Worm Burden) in InfectedrnSubjects A Questionnaire survey Was also Conducted Gain Insight Into the Fanning System inrnOperation and Study Some Herd Health. Management and Social Factors That May Have Some Influence on the Occurrence of Gastrointestinal. 300 Households Were RandomlyrnSelected and the Heads or The Household S Were Interviewed. Out of 300. 264 Respondent WerernMales and 36 Were Females.