Temporal Changes Of Flood Sensitivity In Awash Basin

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Flooding is a natural disaster that causes considerable damage. Awash basin is susceptiblernto flooding due to physical characteristics. Therefore, sensitivity mapping are essential forrncomprehensive management to reduce the harmful effects of flooding. This research aims tornassess flood sensitivity in the Awash basin. The sensitivity maps use geographicalrninformation systems (GIS). Indicators for Land use, soil type, river buffer and sloperndetermine the sensitivity of the area. There were significant temporal changes in floodrnsensitivity in three years which had five time interval for each. Based on the flood sensitivity,rnthe slope, soil, river buffer and land use type were classified into 5 classes which includernleast sensitive, limited sensitive, moderate, and sever and critical sensitive. Most parts of thernbasin were found highly sensitive to flood when scores of the criteria were aggregated basedrnon experts’ weight than using equal weight. The flood maps show that the upper part of thernbasin is highly sensitive due to slope and land use factor but there the flood sensitive areasrnare expanding to the downstream part of the basin due to increased urbanization. Thernoutput of the study can contribute to flood sensitivity management in the Awash basin; it canrnbe used by different institutions like the local disaster management authority, researchers,rnland use planners, government, and for others who working with flood management. It helpsrnwatershed managers to decide based on more informed data for flood mitigation. The mostrnimportant output of this research is that by using the flood sensitivity indicators, land use,rnslope and soil, it is possible to obtain a temporal change of sensitivity to flood using arnmethod that uses readily available data instead of more complex flood risk methods.

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Temporal Changes Of Flood Sensitivity In Awash Basin