Diversity And Status Of Indigenous Plants In Mogle Mountain Sebeta Awas Woreda Western Ethiopia

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The diversity and status of Indigenous plants in Mogle Mountain was studied from March 2020 to July 2021. Three line transects were laid on the site. A total of 6 Plots of size 20m X 20m were established at 50m intervals along line transects which were 100m apart. The starting point of all line transects were located randomly in each stand. The plots were laid in each stand and the first plot was located randomly. All sample plots were located at least at 50m intervals. Plant species in each plot were counted and recorded at individual level. Semi-structured interviews were also used to collect information about indigenous knowledge on the uses of indigenous plants, local names of plants and their conservation status. The abundance values, density, diameter at breast height, frequency, important value index and list of species were recorded in each plot. About 39 plant species belonging to 32 families and 37 genera were identified and documented. Out of these, 29 species (74.4%) were indigenous to Ethiopia. The growth habit of each species was also identified as trees 24(61.5%), shrubs 11(28.2%), herbs 3(7.7%) and climber 1(2.6%). Fabaceae had the highest number of species (10.25%) followed by Euphorbiaceae (7.7%), Acanthaceae and Rosaceae (5.6%) and the other families (87.5%) had one (2.56%) species each. Eight multipurpose species were selected out of all indigenous plants and 6 use categories were listed for 5 selected informants to assign use value to each species. Juniperus procera was found to be the highly used plant species by local community for multiple purposes, followed by Cordia africana and Podocarpus falcatus. According to preference ranking of 6 dominant plants, Podocarpus falcatus was found the most used species by local people for its value for construction. Among indigenous plants of Mogle Mountain, Podocarpus falcatus, Cordia africana, Juniperus procera and Acacia abyssinica need prior conservation measure.

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Diversity And Status Of Indigenous Plants In Mogle Mountain Sebeta Awas Woreda Western Ethiopia