Effective Marketing Strategies For Improved Performance Of Non-durable Consumer Product (a Case Study Of Always Sanitary Towel A Product Of Procter And Gamble) In Enugu Metropolis

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This research project is very critical study for procter and gamble Nigeria Plc, the study was motivated by the necessity to improve performance of always’s sanitary towel through effective marketing strategies. This research projects was aimed at the following.

a)           To identify marketing strategies that can be implemented in order to increase the sales and profitability of the product.

b)           To determine whether distribution method of P*G has helped to increase sales of always’s sanitary towel.

c)            To determine whether distribution method of P&G has helped to ensure that availability of always sanitary towel in the market.

Both primary and secondary data were collected to solve the research problem the population of the study comprised of the personnel of procter and gamble Plc. The distributors and consumer of always’s sanitary towel, the research instrument used for data collection were questionnaire, oral interview, tables, frequencies and percentages in presenting and analyzing the data collected the chi-square statistic was used to test the various hypothesis since this was a test of goodness of it. From data analysis, the researcher came up with the following findings.

-              About 63.4 percentage of consumer are satisfied with the quality of always sanitary towel in the market.

-              The respondents in the market agree with the availability of always’s sanitary towel in the market.

About 95.1 percent of consumers are satisfied with the availability of always’s sanitary towel in the market. About 96.6 percent of respondents agreed that indirect distribution system have ensured the availability of always’s sanitary towel in the market. About 54.8 percent of those who consumes the product agrees that quality and price are good. Distribution agree that always’s sanitary towel has been well received by consumers and its selling or moving within the market. The overall marketing strategies adopted by procter and gamble Nigeria.


Title page         -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       i

Approval page -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       ii

Dedication       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       iii

Acknowledgement    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       iv

Abstract   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       v

Table of contents     -       -       -       -       -       -       -       vi

List of tables    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       ix

List of figures   -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       xii



INTRODUCTION      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       1

1.1      Background of the study -       -       -       -       -       1

1.2      Statement of the problems       -       -       -       -       5

1.3      Objectives of the study     -       -       -       -       -       6

1.4      Research question/Hypothesis        -       -       -       -       7

1.5      Significant of the study    -       -       -       -       -       8

1.6      Scope of the study   -       -       -       -       -       -       9

1.7      Definition of terms   -       -       -       -       -       -       11

1.8      Limitation of the study     -       -       -       -       -       12



LITERATURE REVIEW   -       -       -       -       -       -       14

2.1      Theoretical review    -       -       -       -       -       -       14

2.2      Nature of marketing         -       -       -       -       -       -       16

2.3      Product strategies    -       -       -       -       -       -       18

2.4      Objective of marketing strategies     -       -       -       21

2.5      Problem of marketing strategies       -       -       -       23

2.6      The component of marketing strategies   -       -       29



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-       -       -       -       -       33

3.1      Sources of data collection        -       -       -       -       -       33

3.2      Population of the study    -       -       -       -       -       33

3.3      Sample size determination       -       -       -       -       34

3.4      Sample techniques --     -       -       -       -       -       46

3.5      Instrument for data -       -       -       -       -       -       46

3.6      Method of data treatment and analysis    -       -       46

3.7      Questionnaire allocation and administration  -       47




4.1      Presentation Interpretation and analysis of data.    49

4.2       Testing of hypothesis      -       -       -       -       -       68



DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION-       -        -       -       -       -       -       -       77

5.1      Summary of findings       -       -       -       -       -       77

5.2      Recommendations   -       -       -       -       -       -       78

5.3      Conclusion      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       80

Bibliography    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       81

Appendix         -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       84



Table 4.1:         Determination of response rate questionnaire distribution and collection         -       -       50

Table 4.2:         If yes, how did you come to know about the product for the first time-       -       -       52

Table 4. 3:        If yes, how did you come to know about the procter for the first time.        -       -       -       53

TABLE 4.4:      Have the overall promotional campaign of Always sanitary towel helped in the creation of averseness of the product.        -       -        54

Table 4:5:         Are you satisfies with the availability of Always sanitary towel in the market.      55

Table 4.6:         Why do you prefer Always sanitary towel to any other sanitary.        -       -       -       -       56

Table 4.7:         How would you rate the quality of Always sanitary towel.        -        -       -       -       -       57

Table 4.8:         How would you compare the price system of Always sanitary towel with other sanitary towel in the market.-       -       -       -        58

Table 4.9:         Are you satisfied with the distribution method of Always sanitary towel in the market    -       -       -       -       -       -       59

Table 4.10:       Do you think that the overall strategies of procter and gamble (P & G) increase the sales of always sanitary towel.     -       -       -        60

Table 4.11 Sex-       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       61

Table 4.12:       What is your assessment on the company distribution method        -       -       -       -       62

Table 4.13:       Do you thin the promotional campaign adopted by procter and gamble (P&G) Plc. Helped top increase the sales of Always’s Sanitary towel.-       -       -       -       -       63

Table 4.14:       Does qualification used by procter and gamble Plc. Helped to increase the sales of Always sanitary towel.     -       -       -       64

Table 4.15:       How would you rate the system of procter and gamble product (sanitary) in relation of quality.        -       -       -       -       -       -        65

Table 4.16:       Do you think that the price system used by procter and gamble Nigeria Plc. Has helped to increase the sales of always sanitary towel 66

Table 4.17:       What is overall assessment of marketing strategies adopted by procter and gamble Nigeria Plc.       -       -       -       -       -       67







Figure 2.1:       Organigram of Procter and Gamble Organization Plc    -       -        -       -       32







In Nigeria where the importance of marketing is yet to be fully appreciated, people talk of marketing their product as if they are referring to our problem.

The strategies aspect of the plan should be based on what is known of the enemy’s strength and positioning the physical characteristic of the battle ground. Those who occupied the territory and of course, the strength and character of the resources available to the commander.

In this business organization, these study is on activity where element of marketing and marketing strategies can not be traced. Marketers must therefore make the right decision about the four components of the marketing mix, price, product, place and promotion. These key components must be co-ordained and move into a united effective strategy if their product must reform well in the market, the analogy of business strategy is direct and useful in business and in marketing, the lerrain is the market place in particular and economic, potential, social and technology environment in general. There source are personal with wide-running skill and expertise as well as factories caboratories, Transportation system, and financial resources and the co-operation reputation.

Moreover, the performance of the product depends largely on the post purchase satisfaction, whether they satisfied or dissatisfied with the purchase potential consumer expect to derive satisfaction from the product when compared with the ones they have previously used.

Depending on the nature of business, strategy may have other dimension as well. The heart of any business strategy, the activities of business exist to deliver product to the market to the extents that are serve this purpose well and efficiently, they grow and profit. Expectations therefore play a major role in the reaction of the consumer towards a product, consumers based their expectation in the information. All these are marketing effort, the objective of organization has to be considered, particularly profit maximization. The conclusion strategies must reflect as aspect of market and above all, it must anticipate the action and reaction of competitors.



The Procter and Gamble Company (P & G) is a glant in the area of consumer goods. The heading maker of household products in the United States, P&G has operation sin nearly 80 countries around the world than 160 countries; more than half of the company’s revences are derived overseas. Among its products, which fall into the main categories of fabric care, home care, beauty care, baby care, family care, health care, snacks, and beverages, are 16 that generate more that $1billion in annual revenues. Actonel (Osteoporosis treatment). Always (terminine protection), Ariel, Downy, and Tide (Laundry care) Bounty (Paper towels). Charium (bathroom tissue). Crest (Toothpaste). Folgers (coffe). Head and shoulders, pantene, and wella (hair care), lams (pet food). Olay (skin care). Pampers (diapers) and Pringles (Snacks). Committed to remaining the leader in its markets, P&G is one of the most aggressive marketers and is the largest advertiser in the world. Many innovations that are now common practices in corporate America including extensive market research, the brand-management system, and employee profit sharing programs were first developed at Procter and Gamble.




Post purchase satisfaction has always been a major indicate as a level of satisfaction of customer who sued the product in the market, Detective marketing strategies have played a major role in the success of the business in Nigeria.

Every company which intends to improve on its marketing has to create good marketing strategies for its operation, these strategies of effective should increase the sales and profitability of such companies and will also help the company to achieve it’s goals.

Always sanitary towel by Procter and gamble Plc, has continued towards the success of the firm in recent year, due to good marketing strategies mapped out for it, always sanitary towel which is one of the leading sanitary towel even produced by the firm has maintained it market share due to good penetration of the product into the market has however for some time now experiencing some unfavourable external business environment. Such as poor sales of the product inability of the product do face other competing sanitary towel in the market and so on. As a result of these problem in which study will be carried out and adequate recommendation will be made.



The objectives of the study includes

a)           To identify marketing strategies that can be implemented in order to increase the sales and profitability of the product.

b)          To investigate on the cause of poor sales of the product in the market.

c)           To determine whether the pricing methods Procter and Gamble has helped to increase sales Always sanitary towel.

d)          To determine whether the quality of Always sanitary has helped to increase its sales.

e)           To determine whether distribution method of Procter and Gamble (P&G) has  helped to ensure the availability of Always sanitary towel in the market.

f)            To determine whether distribution method of Procter and Gamble has help.



The following are research question research as a guide to the above study.

1.          What is quality of Always sanitary towel in respect to sales volume?

2.          What impact does the price of Procter and gamble product has towards Always sanitary towel product?

3.          What channel of distribution list use by the Procter and gamble plc.

4.          What is the nature of Procter and gamble promotional strategies?

5.          Are consumers satisfied with Procter and gamble Always sanitary towel product.



The recommendation made in this study, it accepted and applies would provide initial step in major on the determination of the present marketing strategies that can be used to improve the performance of the product. (Always sanitary towel) and also for victual expansion of the business activities.

 it will also widen the researcher knowledge about the various strategies available and how they can be applies to company product to improve the performance of the business. Above all, the study will also help the people to known the values of marketing strategies and how it can be used to attract new market customers form existing market.

It can also be seen about the problem stated that Procter and gamble (P/G).major difficulties are identify with marketing. It is hoped that the study will help the company to adopt better marketing strategies that will improve the overall marketing product and the company realize its business objective.



Procter and gamble (P/G) community consist of nearly 98,000 people working in almost 80 countries world wide, what began as a small, family-operated soap and Candle Company now provides products and service of superior quality and value to consumers in 140 countries.

Scope was introduced in 1967 by Procter and gamble, which is one the most successful companies in the world, Procter and gamble philosophy is to provides superior quality and value that best fills the needs of the consumers, it was recognized as a leader in the Canadian packaged goods industry.

Procter and gamble Canada has five operating divisions, organized by product category – The division and some of their major brands are:

i)            Paper product: Royale, pampers, Always.

ii)          Food and beverage: Crisco, Pringles, and sunny delight.

iii)        Beauty care: Head and shoulders, panatene, cover girl, max factor.

iv)         Laundry and cleaning: Tide, cheer, Mr., Clean, cascade

v)           Health care: Create, scope, Vicks.

Each division has its own brand management





There are major problems encountered by the researcher during the course of writing of this projects, the problem encountered are:



Sympathetically, the school library does not make provision for major marketing journals, the researcher find his way out in order to get current marketing journal.



There refusal of the respondent to answer some of important question that is relevant to the study



The storage of finds also affected the number of times, the research could have to visit the company in order to be through in examine all the pertaining to the degree of past sales of Alway’s sanitary towel produced by procter and gamble.



The time delighted of this work way very short as a result of other commitment the researcher must have gone different place to get more samples about the study.



Marketing: A social and management process by which individual and group obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging product and valve with other. (Adririka E 1999).


Market Challenge: A runner – up firm in an industry that is fighting hard to increase it’s market share (Chrismal 1997).


Market Penetration: A strategy for company growth by increasing sales of current product to current market segment without changing the product in any way (Ebue B.C 1997).


Positioning: The art of fitting to one or more segment of the broad market in such a way as to set apart from competition and optimize opportunity for greater sales and profit (Samuel A. 2000).


Market: The set of actual and potential buyers of a product.

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Effective Marketing Strategies For Improved Performance Of Non-durable Consumer Product