Problems Of Effective Management In Government Owned Companies

Business Administration Project Topics

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        This project study exposes the reader to know the problems of effective management is all about. The various problems involved in effective management.

        Coal miners lack effective management for the accomplishment of the coal corporations goals and objectives

        Various methods where employed in collecting data for the study which involves personal interview.

        Different managers in the corporation were interviewed with the data collected, presentation and analyzing were done and finally summary were given and conclusion was drawn.


Chapter one focus on the general background which is made up of problems associated with the subject matter, problems associated with will be concerned with, the importance of studying the area, definition of important terms etc.


Chapter Two will deal with a brief review if related literature on which the project is based.

The chapter three deals with data presentation analysis of data, etc.  



Title Page

Approval page





Chapter one

1.     Introduction

1.1      General Background to the subject matter.

1.2      Problems associated with the subject matter

1.3      Problem(s) that study will be concerned with

1.4      The important of studing the area.

1.5      Definition of important terms

1.6      References (using APA method)


Chapter Two

2.     Literature Review

2.1      The origin of the subject area

2.2      Schools of though relevant to the problem of study

2.3      Different methods of studying  the problem

2.4      Summary

2.5      References


Chapter three

3.     Conclusion

3.1      Data presentation (Highlights of the study)

3.2      Analysis of the data

3.3      Recommendation

3.4      Conclusions

3.5      References           







1.       Introduction

1.1   General Background to the subject matter

        There was Hills in Udi near Enugu in the then Anambra state. It was in 1909 that one of the most important minerals called ‘coal’ was discovered.

        Although further exploration continued the existence of coal in abundance in different parts of the country. Presently, the proven coal reserve in the country is over 1.5 billion tones.

        The quality of coal has been tested and accepted in the world market as one of the book. On the 18th of November 1949, 21 coal miners were killed at Iva valley mine in Enugu during a shooting incident. The miners engaged in a go-slow strike action to back up their demand for bread were given bullets. Following this incident a commission of inquring headed this incidents a commission of inquring in to the Enugu shooting incident in 1949.


In its findings, Fitzgerald commission recommended that independents bodies be set up to manage business established by government.

        And so the Nigeria coal corporation was born through the enactment of ordinance No 29 of 1950. before this time, Nigeria coal corporation was jointly administered with Nigerian Railways under the ordinance 29 of 1950. the corporation is solely changed with the responsibility to mine treat, render saleable and sell coal and coal by-products in Nigeria and Overseas.


        In 1977, the Federal Government entered into a contract with overseas coal mining construction company of Poland (KOPEX) for the mechanization of the two (2) Enugu coal mines. The project was designed to increase daily product of coal from about 400 to 100 tounes. Contrary to expectation, kopex due to technical reasons and in consequence daily production reasons and in consequence daily production hardly exceeded two tones. The scheme was finally terminated in 1983. It is a matter of great concern that the industry suffered a servere decline and came to its present how to ebb inspite of government efforts to raise its tones.



Since the research is on the problems of effective management in government owned companies. The research took an indepth look at the problems militating against effective performance in government owned companies, before narrowing down to Nigeria coal corporation, Enugu.

        Some of the problems of government owned companies high lighted in this research work are:-

i.            Government does not have the mechanism to manage companies. In government procedures appears more important than result and discreation appears limited

ii.          In government  owned companies nobody wants to take the bame for a mistake

Consequently executives of government owned companies usually take minimal asks for fear of having to explain to the ministry as bold decision that has not worked out well.

iii.        Government owned companies follow government employment policies like salary awards, special grades for certain categories of labour etc. irrespective of productivity and whether or not such a policy is appropriate.

iv.         The idea of “government owned” in Nigeria corrayes inefficiency and mediocrity.

Suppliers immediately refuse them normal good business dealings like credit facilities and are afraid of the constant charges that occur in such companies.

        It id in the opinion of the researcher that where this problems are taken note of the recommendation in this research work adequately carted for in planning g there is no doubt management of government owned companies will realize or achieve its predetermined mission, goal and objectives on time.

This is purely whast effectiveness and efficiency of management are all about.



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Problems Of Effective Management In Government Owned Companies