Problems Prospects And Growth Of The Nigerian’s Chequeing System

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This study is intended primarily to find out why the Nigeria society appears to have lost confidence on the use of cheques for transaction. Whether this loss of confidence is as a result of people’s misuse of this instrument or due to some lapses in the chequeing system itself.

Based on the primary motivation, various major problems associated with the use of cheques were identified. However, the use of dud cheques appears to be the base of other problems, which have precipitated into people’s mistrust for cheque in Nigeria. The result according to the author’s findings, is the cash payment basis or bankers draft is usually preferred by individuals, establishments and government agents for settlement of transactions.

Furthermore, this study give a number of solutions and recommendation for more effective chequeing system in Nigeria based on the identified problem.

It is believed that the elimination of these problems will usher in a more functional chequeing system in Nigeria. Happily, the major finding of this study is that there was an increase in the use of cheques during the currency exchange of 1984, and that more employers new pay their workers with cheques through the bank.

                                      ONUORAH PATAICIA .N.




Title page

Approval page




Table of content



1.1     Introduction

1.2     Definition of terms

1.3     Purpose of the study

1.4     Significance of this study

1.5     Statement of problem

1.6            Limitation of the study

1.7            Reference



2.1     Definition of cheque

2.2     Characteristics of cheque

2.3     Parties to a cheque

2.4     Advantages of cheque

2.5     Disadvantages of cheque

2.6     Problems associated with the use of cheque

2.7     Types of cheque

2.8     Crossed cheques

2.9     Forms of cheque

2.10   Dishonour of cheque

2.11       Reference



3.1            Design and methodology

3.2            Location of study

3.3            Population for the study

3.4            Population sample

3.5            Instruments for data collection

3.6            Validity and reliability of the instrument

3.7            Methods of data collection

3.8            Data treatment technique




4.1            Cheque as bills of exchange

4.2            Increasing use of cheque

4.3            Cheque clearing system

4.4            The clearing house

4.5            The clearing house operations

4.6            Clearing a cheque drawn on another clearing area

4.7            Clearing a cheque

4.8            Payment of cheque




5.1            Conclusion

5.2            Production and cashing of Cheque

5.3            Accelerated (fast/Quick)

5.4            Education and training:

5.5            Local traveler’s Cheque:         







          The question is does an average Nigerian really understand what cheque is? Does he for example, know that cheque are supposed to be mind tenders for monetary transaction.

          How does he use the instrument? Again do banks, government officials and their agent actually encourage the use of cheque and operate system without necessary suspicion. Have there been any serious efforts to educate banks, customers and the workings of the system? We are going to discuss the causes of this problem.

          For instance, in America and Britain, most ever transaction is done in cheque or credit card without bordering anybody with the liquid cash. Therefore, Nigerians should be thinking as civilized people, though they can on no way  compare their standard of organization, management and their affairs and responsibility with those of industrially advanced nations.

          The idea of paying for ever thing on liquid should be left to the past. Payment by chequeing system should be over handled with an aim of making it function more effectively.

          However, the writer is optimistic that despite all odds and problems facing the Nigerian chequeing system itself has quite a lot of prospects. That is never works well in Nigeria maybe attributed to machination of the operator of the system. As soon as the Nigerian society learns to be honest on their dealings and conscious on their work, the chequeing system  will begin to work effectively people had the feelings that no one can be trusted and this makes them not to confide on cheque. But when the chequeing system start to work effectively, people will begin to trust one another, business transaction will begin to flow smoothly, loss of liquid cash to arrived  robbers will be minimized and the naira will look afresh.

          The aim of the project work is to as much as possible, identify the problem seemingly facing the Nigerian chequeing system, the prospects or the growth of all the system, if any will equally be high liquated. Therefore suggestion and recommendation will be advanced as means of making the chequeing system work more effectively in Nigeria.

          To achieve all thee a conscious efforts must be made by the operation of chequeing system, and should be geared to wards educating the Nigeria public on the importance of the system. In this direction the government has a part to ply. The Banks and other financial institutions should Toin hands to save the Nigerian chequeing system from total collapse. There are some solution for more effective use of cheques on Nigeria, which we are going to treat on the next coming pages in order that Nigeria chequeing will prove more effectively. And most of these solutions has to be firstly solid by banks. When we look more closely we may fund out that the process of clearing cheques in bank is always a long process thereby frustrating the customers who is in need of the money thereby discouraging the customers from putting their money in bank. They prefer lauding their moneys without any hassles.



PROBLEMS: Problem of Nigeria chequeing system or rather ineffectiveness of cheques in Nigeria is problems that hinder the growth of Nigeria chequeing system.

PROSPECTS: Prospects of Nigeria chequeing system is the hope or the height the Nigeria chequeing tends to attain in the near futures.



The purpose of this study is to identify the problems, prospects and growth of Nigeria chequeing system out finding will help us to determine on how to solve the problems customers encounter in clearing cheque and what could be done to solve the problems of chequeing system.

And them, to highlight on the prospects or the height they want to attain in the near future and then most of their achievement and the growth they have got so far.

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Problems Prospects And Growth Of The Nigerian’s Chequeing System