The study reported here in/identified communication and its effect the Nigeria Telecommunication Limited Enugu. The Nitel, just like the other industries is quite on enterprising one. Over the years it has continued to enjoy favorable government gestures and policies and stands to receive more judgment from the trend of government emphasis on the development of the industry. However, as business continues to grow so does the company need to review its communication system especially now it has become a public liability company. In its broad sense, the purpose of communication in an organization is to effect change to influence action in the direction of corporate welfare. If we accept the view that the essential job of a supervisor is to get work done through other people, it follow that his effectiveness as a supervisor must depend on his ability to communicate with him. Therefore company should embank on involving the entire staff in their communication system for them to be aware of the activities going on in the factors and for them to continue to follow the trend of event in the Nigeria Telecommunication.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 General Background of the study
1.2 Problem Associated with the subject matter
1.3 Problem that the study with concerned
1.4 The importance of studying the area
1.5 Definition of importance terms
1.6 Reference
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 The origin of the study matter
2.2 The school of thought with subject matter
2.3 The school of thought relevant to the problem
2.4 Different method of studying the problem and solution to the problems.
2.5 Summary
2.6 Reference
3.1 Data presentation
3.2 Analysis of Data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 Reference
3.6 Bibliography
Communication can simply be defined as the transmission of information with the purpose of influencing the receiver. Although communication has pervasive application to all phases of managership. It is particularly important in the function of supervision and control. It will not be an over-statement to say that the communication function is the means by which organized activity is unified. This paper looked into the case of the necessity of effective communication. Yet there is less agreement on the exact definition communication may be looked as the means by which social input are fed into social system. Any as a binder communication provides information that simultaneously guides both the smallest sub limits and the entire complex towards organizational goal accomplishment. Communication is essential for the internal functioning of any organization because it integrates the management function. It is through information exchange that the heads of division know how their worker performs. It is also through communication that any organization becomes an open system interacting with its environment. When communication fails, organized activities also fail. A basic understanding of the communication process model, which has been introduced in the literature review, helps to identify the critical elements in the communication process. At each state breakdown can occur in the encoding of message by the sender in the transmission of the message by the receiver. Certainly noise can interfere with effective communication at each part of the process. This study focused on the various phases of communication process in the Nigeria Telecommunication Limited Enugu with the intention of bringing out their strengths and weakness, which will be an aid to the modification and proper use of the existing communication procedure. Supervision could be defined as an exercise that ensures that performance keeps in line with established standards are being met. Basically supervision involves the supervisor having to observe the activities of his or her subordinate, which is much of the work performed by lower level managers. Additionally, supervision is the undertaken when the superior consults with his or her workers and the intercourse gives the supervision a good opportunity for discovering and identifying deviation from established standards or to check the occurrence of the deviation before it happens. It can be seen that the exercise of supervision done in controlling is also what is involved in directing